
Frequent lightning last time

 He says:) is the one who shows you the lightning for fear and hope, and establish the heavy clouds. Thunder and swim praise, and the angels of scares and sends lightning afflicts them whom they argue is a very assignee (Thunder: (12-13). Ibn Katheer said in his Tafseer: "A curse sent by the revenge of those who wants, and this abound in the last decade." It was narrated by Ibn Katheer in the cause of the descent of the verse narrated by Al-Hafiz Abu Ali Moussalli Anas bin Malik that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him sent a man back to the man of the Pharaohs Arabs, he said: "Go Vadeh me," he said: O Messenger of Allah that the most powerful of that, he said: "Go Vadeh me," he said: He went to him and said: Messenger of God invites you, he said: And Allah is the security of gold or silver or copper? He said he came to the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and tell him, and he said: I told you that the most powerful of that, he told me such and such, he said: "Return to the second Vadeh", and he came back to him, returned it like to speak first, and he came back to the Prophet, peace be upon him told him, he said: "ascribed to him," returned the third was terrifying to him so to speak, Whilst is talking to me since I sent him a cloud over his head Vraadt fell from lightning went Bqahv his head, revealed to God: "and sends a lightning afflicts them whom they argue is a very assignee. " Ibn Abbas said in the report of Abu Saleh, son of Greg and Ibn Zayd said: this verse was revealed and accepted by the Amer bin parasite and Irbid bin Rabia, and that they are then they went back they want the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, said a man from his companions: "O Messenger of God, this is Aamir ibn parasite may accept weave He said: "Let him be God to do good guides," so he turned to him, he said: O Muhammad, Mali that you become Muslim? He said: "You are what you need for Muslims and what they have," he said: I make it after you? He said: "This is not to God but to make it where he wants," said: Vtdjalni on the pile and you are generating?, Said: "No", he said: What makes me? He said: "I make you habenulae horses invade it," said: or not so to me today? It was recommended to Irbid bin Rabia If you saw me talk to him FDR behind him and hit him with the sword, and started to argue with the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and reviewing it, He toured Irbid behind the Prophet peace be upon him to beat him, Fajtrt of his sword Shubra and kept in God not able to the basket, making the Amer pointing to him, he turned the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, he saw Irbid and made his sword, he said: "O Acfnehma what you want," sent of God to Irbid lightning on Saiv shouted Vohrgueth gone, Amer away and said: O Muhammad, I called Lord killing Irbid, and God Omlonha horses for you an inventory and boys resort. The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: "prevents God from it and the people of the hematoma" - He wants to Aws and Khazraj - sat down Amer home of a woman Sloulip, when he became the annexation by the gun, went out, he says: Lat and Uzza, while Tawny Muhammad to the owner - I mean, the Angel of Death - to Onfznhma Bermhi, when he saw the Almighty that it sent the property Vltmh wings Vodhirah in the dirt, and went out on his knee gland at the time a great Kgdp camel's back, returned to the house Alsloulip he says: gland Kgdp back and death in the house Alsloulip, and then died on the back of his horse, and Allah Almighty when this story: "Whether any of you say it is manifested" until he reached "and the prayer of disbelievers is in vain." And this enters the phrase the words of God fit of Thunder "and not those who disbelieve will acquire what they have done the side or be solved soon from their home until the promise of God that God does not break His promise" (Thunder: 31), where Ibn Katheer - may Allah have mercy on him - from Ibn Abbas - may Allah be pleased with him - saying, "acquire what they have done the side," said a punishment from heaven, house them, "Al-Qurtubi said - may God have mercy on him -: the artful Tfjwhm disbelief; and Atohm; and said: pumpkins is if the injury, and the combination Qguara; The origin of pumpkin battery which does not still unbelievers acquire a shrewd deadly of the lightning also hit Irbid or killed or captured or sterility, or otherwise torment and affliction. and Thunderbolt Thunderbolt is the electrical discharge between the base of a cloud thunderstorm (Mizin rockfill) with a negative electric charge and the Earth's surface with the electric charge is positive. It is curious that the presentation of the bolt is less than 2.5 centimeters, while the onions length of about 50 km, and lead when they occur to raise the temperature of the atmosphere penetrated to more than 30,000 degrees Celsius, leading to the expansion of gas dramatically up to date sound huge resounding frequented among the clouds surrounding to turn to thunder. And assume that the bolt hit the loaded cargo negative 30 kilometers amp, and the movement is worth five Colomat and 500 joule of energy. Severe lightning and lightning can carry a value of 120 amp and 350 Colom, and the voltage proportional to the length of the bolt. The bolt that hit the positive charge the shipments loaded with 300 mA of Electrical energy, equivalent to ten times the average cargo loaded bolt negative. And surveillance satellites about 100 lightning flash per second, at an annual rate of 1.4 billion and a flash in the year, 80% of which is inside the clouds, and 20% between the cloud and the earth, which is known Balsoaak. Based on the information derived from satellites for NASA and private density spatial occurrence of lightning flashes worldwide during the period 1995 -2002, and shown by map number () clearly shows that flashes on the surface of the land-intensive than they occur on the surfaces of the oceans; due to the low specific heat of the surfaces of land compared to oceans, and the consequent heating of air in contact and the consequent escalation of the antenna and thunderstorms and lightning flashes. One study has shown that modern Brazil, which is located in the tropical zone is the world's most injury Balsoaak, said Osmar Pinto, a researcher at the Group of electricity atmosphere that participated with the Brazilian Institute for Space Studies in drawing a map of the fuses using satellite data that Brazil hit 70 million by lightning annually or equivalent Saaktin or three per second. And about a hundred people die in Brazil every year after contracting the Balsoaak. These incidents tenth of the total deaths related to incidents of lightning in the world. Lightning also caused damage worth an annual $ 200 million. Statistics show that deaths resulting from lightning strikes in the United States of America it is the highest among deaths caused by other natural disasters, ranging from 100 to 600 people annually, and cause injury between 1000 to 1500 people a year were seriously injured. And is located most of the deaths among males in the age group 15-44 years. The focus of these losses are clearly in the South and Midwest, particularly in Florida and Texas. Statistics of the National Committee for Disaster Management Government of Cambodia to the 93 people killed in lightning storms last year, more than double the proceeds of 2007, which amounted to 45 people. The Deputy Chairman of the Committee that the reasons for the high death toll from lightning each year is not clear, that climate change may be a reason to do so. The high incidence of lightning in the last decade is that told by the Prophet peace be upon him in the non-interview, was narrated that Abu Sa'eed al-may Allah be pleased with him: that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said: "frequent lightning when approaching an hour, until the men folk, he says: of shock before you Fajr? say: so and so shocked. " Musnad Ahmad (3 / 65). It was narrated by the ruling in the "pleased with" this attribution, and the wording is: ":" abound on the approach of lightning time, it becomes a people, they say: It shocked yesterday? Say: so and so shocked. "Musnad Ahmad (3 / 65). Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him: he said: "Soon they will not find homes Tkinkm; Thlkha Alroajv, do not tell the animals in your travel Notes; Thlkha lightning." Narrated by al-Naim Bin Hamad "sedition." There is no doubt that the warning frequent lightning at the hands of a hint of what will be introduced to the planet from climate change signs appeared during the first decade of this century, was quoted by news agency Itar-Tass, Russian air temperature set a record at all in the Russian capital this year when he rose to the level of 37.2 degree Celsius, while the previous absolute record is 36.8 degrees Celsius was recorded in 1920. Recorded as the Presidency of Meteorology, Saudi Arabia, another record-high city of Mecca when temperatures rose to 50 degrees Celsius in the shade, with recorded 60 degrees Celsius in the sun. The believer worships his Lord in fear and hope) He showeth you the lightning, a fear (24), (afraid of lightning Ksaakp and hope for a cloud of rainy, and such phenomena and others but remember the remembrance of Allah, the Almighty), and swim Thunder praise, and the angels of scares (13) (In that lies the secret of survival , where Tabaraniyy from Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him said the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, "If you hear thunder, remember Allah, it does not affect saying," said Ouzai was the son of Abu Zakaria says: Who said when he heard thunder, "Hallelujah and praise" had missed lightning . Perhaps many of the afflicted by lightning in the last decade due to the few who remember God, where the time but the worst of people, and where there is no on the ground saying, as narrated by Imam Muslim in his Saheeh from Anas, may Allah be pleased with him said: The Messenger of Allah him "is not even at not being told in the earth: God of God." As narrated by Imam Ahmad in his Musnad from Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him said, "The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him:" Lord said the Almighty if Abedi Otaoni to Osagithm rain at night and briefed them the sun during the day and what Osamathm Sound of Thunder "Narrated by Ahmad and classed Haakim Sources (1) http://www.resaltalislam.com (2) Abdul Permanent ghostbuster, a miracle cold: www.kaheel7.com (3) Middle East Journal, Thursday, 2002 Ramadan 1423 November 7, 2002 Issue 8745 (4) http://www.cellar.org (5) http://www.s-maj.net (6) http://geology.com (7) http://en.wikipedia.org (8) http://ar.wikipedia.org (9) William T. Hark, MD, The Human Effects of Lightning Strikes and Recommendations for Storm Chasers, http://www.harkphoto.com (10) Nelson Adekoya, Kurt B. Nolte, MD, Struck-by-Lightning Deaths in the United States, Journal of Environmental Health, May 2005. (11) http://ar.rian.ru (12) http://www.kazdar.co (13) http://www.almahdy Bookmark and Share

Flashes for a cow of Bani Israel from the Koran, the Torah and the Gospel

{Moses said to his people: "Allah commands that ye sacrifice a cow, they fool jest said I seek refuge in God to be one of the ignorant (67) said, pray for us thy Lord to show us what he says it is a cow neither old nor fullgrown between that so do what you are commanded (68) They pray to thy Lord for us to show us what color he says it is a cow is bright yellow color gone viewers (69) They pray to thy Lord for us to show us what is that all heifers alike: We and I, God willing, to receive guidance (70) He says it is a cow not broken raise land do not water the tilth Muslim hast where they now come to the right Vzbhoha what almost do (71) Taking slain breath Vadarotm where God troubleshooting what you hide (72) We said Smite him together as well as God pays tribute to the dead and He shows you His signs that you may understand} [Baqarah: 67-73] . This story is very short Quranic evidence has five books in five different books of the People of the Book (the Babylonian Talmud, Book Akaddocn - Mishna 1:2 PAR - Genesis 9:15 - 1:19 Issue-10-Deuteronomy 1:21 - 7). The last three books found in the Bible, and the rest of the books written are very rare in the rule of hidden. * Genesis Mishna spoke about the age of the cow (1). * Numbers spoke and the Talmud of the color of the cow (2) has narrated the story of the Talmud, "Dama", who refused to buy jewelry at a low price (because the keys were under the head of his sleeping father; so as not to wake him up) a red wheel Vkavoh God in his flock. Must be a yellow cow with unusual specifications; to as a reward from God for the outstanding work. This is consistent with some of the hadith that has watered that cow, "Dama" This is her story and that he had sold many times its weight in gold, so God rewarded him for his father to honor him. But the truth is that these conversations did not amount to health. God has said in the end of the story: {Vzbhoha and almost do}; it is possible to be what they intended to consult fortunetellers almost the price, but we can not be certain of that so I do not believe does not lie. * The number Vtaatkelm travel novel about the "sin offering" And the Lord said to Moses and Aaron: This is the requirements of the law which ordered: "Say to the prophet of Israel unto thee cow yellow, sound, free from any defect, not Iolha Nair, Vtattunha to Eleazar the priest to take her out of the camp and slaughtered in front of him, and the priest shall dip his finger in her blood and sprinkle it toward the face of the tent of meeting seven times!!! Flogged and burnt cow flesh and blood and Vrtha a scene from, and then take the cedar wood, hyssop, and red thread, and raised in the middle of the fire. The priest then washes his clothes and bathe himself in water, and then enter the camp, and the priest remains unclean until the evening!!! Combines a pure blood delivered by the cow and outside the camp in a place visible, REM preserved for the congregation of Israel for use in water disinfection. It is a sin offering. And to collect the ashes of the cow to wash his clothes, and remain unclean until the evening .. "(Numbers 1:19 - 10). Points of agreement between this novel and the novel Quranic apparent in the first paragraph .. Say to the children of Israel .. A red cow (this is close to the bright yellow) - sound .. Free of all defect .. Slaughtered in front of him. The rest of the novel differ completely; Qur'anic story speaking about the cow slaughtered to strike the portion of each {} Fidel dead killer is different in it. The Book of Numbers Wejtklm sacrifice for sin does not make sense, and should be sprayed with blood seven times and the survival of the priest unclean until the evening, as well as collect the ashes of the cow slaughtered flogged, meat, blood and Vrtha!! This last detail is not found in the novel never Koran. * The novel Deuteronomy Vtaatkelm for sacrifice killer Anonymous: "If he found the dead lying in the field in the land which the LORD your God, for you to possess, and did not know the murderer, does your elders and your judges measure the distance between the position of the body of the victim and the cities and neighboring countries, attending the elders of the nearest city to the body , the wheel not placed by the plow, and has not had bener, and take it to a valley where water perennial not plow it or sow Vixron neck of the wheel in the valley. then make the priests the sons of Levi; because the Lord your God has chosen for his service, and the Declaration of the pond on behalf of the Lord, and to eliminate the every dispute and every blow, wash all the elders of that city close to the body, hands over the wheel broken neck in the valley. They say: our hands did not shed this blood and our eyes have not seen .. "(Deuteronomy 21: 1-7). Similarity between this story and the story Quranic clear in two cases people did not know the killer, as well as the slaughter of a cow (or wheel) {not broken cause the earth} - although the rest of the recipes that cow in the Qur'an found in the novel Book of Numbers - ... however this story is different with the novel Qur'an in that it does not show us the relationship between the victim and a cow!!. On the contrary, the story of the Koran that made him a cause of the slaughter of the cow to commemorate the dead man is indicative of a killer. ** Is it possible that the Prophet peace be upon him - as alleged enemies of Islam, saying teacher crazy - have a look at all Jewish novels mentioned above. But - and a continuation of this hypothesis impossible - concluded this story completely separated when the Jews in many sources, after being found in common among them!!. Then must be peace be upon him has been ruled out details is logical that plague the Jewish novels, and none in alfalfa Alfranip. And even added to them the necessary additions as well as on display in graphical or he did something that the whole, he found, or check the manuscript did not find them we are even now, and then placed in its proper place in the Quran where exposure biography children of Israel, the days of Moses that this was impossible, If there is impossible and one in history Aalepeshri to the assumption that most convenient fabrication This dominance of the Koran written on the people of the book in various forms by knowledge of the hidden and revealed to the separation of books to correct the purposes of the stories. Source (1) JUDAISM IN ISLAM (AB. + KATSH) P.71

Waves topped by waves

These facts were discovered after the establishment of hundreds of marine stations .. And satellite imaging industry .. Who said this was Professor Schroeder, .. One of the greatest oceanographers in West Germany .. He used to say: If the progress of science would have to retreat of religion .. But when he heard the meanings of the verses of the Koran was stunned and said: "This can not be the words of human beings .. The Professor Dorjaro professor of geology of the sea to give us up-to-flag in the verse: (or Kzlmat in a vast deep sea fraught with waves topped by waves, topped by clouds darkness of each other if they are removed his hand was barely see, and God did not make him a light for him there is light ) Al-Nur: 40 .. He says he has rights in the past can not dive without the use of machinery more than twenty meters .. And now we can dive in the deep sea, using modern equipment, we find intense darkness at a depth of two hundred meters .. Verse says: (a vast deep sea), as .. Discoveries in the depths of the sea has given us a picture of the meaning of the verse: (darkness of each other) is well known that the seven colors of the spectrum ... including red, yellow, blue, green, orange, etc. .. If a branch in the depths of the sea, these colors disappear one after the other .. And the disappearance of each color gives the darkness .. Red disappears first, then orange, then yellow .. And another color to disappear is blue, at a depth of two hundred meters .. Each color disappears gives part of the darkness until it reaches total darkness .. The verse: (waves topped by waves) has been scientifically proven that there is a line between the deep part of the sea and the upper part .. And that this interval there are waves waves on the edge of the deep dark of the sea and we do not see and there are waves on the surface of the sea and we see this .. If there are waves topped by waves .. This is a confirmed scientific fact, therefore, "said Professor Dorjaro for these verses: This can not be a note of the human Source "material evidence on the existence of God," the Grand Sheikh Mohammed Sharawi

Night and day

 Almighty God said in verse 44 of Surat Al-Nur ((turns God day and night in that is a lesson for those who see)) the truth of God Almighty. What was to turn night and day? And if the day and night flipping switch means day and night and vice versa and make the half-day and night the other day, what will be a lesson to this initial vision? The lesson is that what happened to Pharaoh, for example, God made him stand a lesson and verse for those behind him, and if the word "lesson" meaning So I ask Almighty God reward you with good Is there a scientific discoverer of the newly interpreted to provide the night on the day in most or perhaps all the verses of the Qur'an?? Graciously answered the question the virtue of Mr. Karem Dr. Ghoneim Professor, Faculty of Science Al-Azhar University MALE day and night, together or separately, in dozens of Koranic verses, whether by reference to their differences, or penetration of each other, or Tkulaibh, or Tkwerh, or Igshaih, or appreciation, or a statement which attests Mnact rights, whichever is Ihdja it .. As for the verses mentioned the difference of night for the day, will mention them words of God: (In the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of night and day, astronomy, taking place in the sea, including the good of mankind and Allah has sent down from the sky and water revives the earth after its death and broadcast where all living creatures, and the conduct of wind and the clouds subjugated between heaven and earth are portents for folk who understand) [al-Baqarah: 164] (in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of night and day are signs for men of understanding) [Al-Imran: 190], (in that the alternation of night and day, and God created the heavens and the earth are portents for a people who fear) [Yunus: 6]. The verses mentioned any act of penetration: the introduction of the thing in the other, include the following: (cause the night in the day and intra day into night, and graduated from the dead, the living and the dead from the living, and kicking off at will without the expense of) [Al-Imran: 27], (That is because Allah merges night into day and He merges Day into night, and God hears and sees) [al-Hajj: 61] (Seest thou not that Allah merges night into day and He merges Day into Night and subjected the sun and the moon is indefinite and that the God of what ye do [ [Luqman: 29]] He merges Night into Day and He merges Day into Night and subjected the sun and the moon is named for him is Allah, your Lord, the King and those ye call upon besides what they own from harm) [Lo: 13]. The verses mentioned Aligsha (ie: coverage), ranging from the words of God: (The Lord God who created the heavens and the earth in six days and then mounted the Throne, occurring on the night the day requested by the vigor and the sun and the moon and the stars are subjected by His command, His creation and bless God the Lord of the Worlds) [custom: 54] (who spread out the earth and placed therein firm hills and flowing streams, and all the fruits to make the couple has two occurring on the night the day in that are Signs for those who reflect) [Thunder: 3]. The verses mentioned the night to the day his successor and his successor, the day to night, ranging from the words of God: (who made the night and day in succession, for those who wanted to remember, or desireth thankfulness) [Furqan: 62]. The verses mentioned flipping and appreciation, include the following: (turns God day and night in that is a lesson for those who see) [Nur: 44] (The Lord knows that you are the lowest two-thirds of the night and half and one third and a range of who you and God can day and night, aware that not Thsou turned towards you) [Muzzammil: 20]. The verses mentioned succession of night and day, ranging from the words of God: (not for the sun to overtake the moon, nor the night outstrip the day, and all floating in an orbit) [Yasin: 40]. The verses mentioned ecdysis the day from the night before (ie, separated and detected), ranging from the words of God: (and any of them is the Night: We withdraw therefrom the Day, if they are in darkness) [Yasin: 37]. The verses mentioned pelleting (ie, twisting and turning, or the introduction of this in that one), ranging from the words of God: (the creation of the heavens and the earth with truth, liqueurs night over the day and liqueurs day to night and the sun and the moon is named for not is Exalted) [Cliques: 5 ]. The verses mentioned Gattash night (ie: darkness), and Mnact Ahjuahm people during the day and night, ranging from the words of God: (And Oguetc for the night and go out overnight) [Conflict: 29], (which is to make you the night to repose in Verily in that are Signs for those who listen) [Yusuf: 67], (Did you see I made the night to rest therein, and Verily in that are Signs for those who believe) [ant: 86], (God who made you the night to repose in Verily Allah is full of bounty to mankind, but most people do not give thanks) [Mu'min: 61]. The verses that show the grace of the alternation of night for the day, ranging from the words of God: (Say: Do you see that God made you the night till the Day of Judgement, what god but God comes to enlightenment?) [Stories: 71] (Say: Do you see that God made you the day till the Day of Judgement, what god but God comes to dwell at night, when do you not see?) [Stories: 72]. He [Foucault Foucault pendulum] in 1851 that the earth revolves on its axis once every day, shows the day in the part facing the sun, while the corresponding part of Lille, and alternating day and night, the earth's rotation down the front of the sun. In spite of this, the there is apparent movement of the Cms see the scenes with his own eyes, and think that the sun is orbiting the Earth, but the fact that the Earth is orbiting the sun, in addition to spin around itself in front of the sun, the first movement Vttold by chapters four (summer and autumn and winter and spring), while the second movement Witold by day and night .. According to astronomical references that the place of sunrise and sunset vary anywhere from one day to another throughout the year, and therefore differs from all along the length of day and night, as much or as little as every deviation angle from the place of sunrise and sunset place. If you watched the two places with the beginning of spring, we find that the length of daylight is equal to the length of the night, because the sun rises in the east and sets exactly in the West completely, but then veer north at sunrise and sunset. And Bhetwaly days, gradually increasing deviation of the sunrise from the east to the north, the more deviation sunset from the west to the North, and building on this long day and shorten the night in the country, located between the equator and the North Pole, and the opposite will happen in the country, which lies between the equator and the South Pole. And continues to drift or tendency sun until it reaches the maximum [23.5 ° miles from the equator] when "inverted Summer" day (June 22) and the sun is in the maximum height at the time of the back, and it becomes longer days as possible and the night as short as possible, in the Land of the Northern Hemisphere , and vice versa in the country's southern hemisphere. As the days pass after the "inverted Summer" at least a mile of the sun, decreases rise time back and crawl in the sunrise from one day to the east, and crawl in the sunset from one day to the westward, and shorten the duration of sunshine in the land of the northern hemisphere, and less over the days in the direction of the pole North, and prevail in this country the day the permanent, with no night. But the opposite is occurring in the direction of the southern hemisphere, if the time was "autumnal equinox" (21 around September) Taamdt the sun on the equator, and equal to the length of the night with the length of the day again in all parts of the globe. After the "autumnal equinox" is increasingly a decrease tendency sun and less height at noon and marching in the sunrise in a south-east, and creeps in the sunset towards the south of the West, in the country located the northern hemisphere, increasing gradually the length of the night and shorten the length of the day ... and solve the "inverted Winter" ( approximately December 23), it is miles below the Sun [- 23.5 degrees], and it becomes the day and night Oqzareth Otoulh in the Northern Hemisphere, becomes always the night in the Arctic, and the day, always in the south polar region. As the days pass after the "inverted winter" increasing tendency of the sun, takes day in length and night in the palace, the northern hemisphere, and takes the day in the palace and the night in length the southern hemisphere to be resolved "vernal equinox" Day (March 21, approximately), Ozicoy the length of each night and day, again in all parts of the globe

Human Creation

 God says:) I created man from a sperm gametes (human: 2, and commentators all, without exception, that the sperm gametes are the result of water men and women and gamete mixtures of both sexes, and before the discovery of the microscope after the age of download Quran more than ten centuries did not know a formation of the fetus of a fertilized egg Fertilized egg similar to "sperm" any water droplets with very small in mixtures containing components of the genetic parents of today we call chromosomes Chromosomes. And the Almighty says:) "O people, I have created you from male and female (13 rooms, Al-Qurtubi (c: 16 Y: 342, 343):" Between God in this verse that He created mankind male and female .. The people who went to one of the first that the fetus can only be from the water of the man alone, and brought up in the womb and is derived from the blood that will be it .. It is true that the creation of water, but be men and women of this verse; it is not likely interpretation of the text. " Stages and begin to create human sperm formation Ahoin when the father because the mother of all eggs, consisting essentially of Jenin, and the sperm is similar to many spermatid any water droplets, which is portrayed in the explicit enumeration of the Holy Quran, the Almighty said:) and began the creation of man from clay. Then made his progeny from a strain of fluid (Sura 7, 8, and the Almighty said:) Did not Nkhalqkm of fluid (transmitters 20, But not the only component of fertilization one sperm from the sperm is similar to water, many sperm; any of the sperm Drop-like Embryo, which is confirmed by the Holy Quran verses in the phrase, he says:) Does man think that leaves in vain. Pain emitted drop of semen "Resurrection 36 and 37, and the Almighty says:) He created man from a sperm (Bees 4, and the Almighty says:) not man seen that We created him from sperm" (Ya 77. It is astonishing to amend the Koran in the description of components of semen which is similar to water to the name of the actor "flush" instead of the name of force by the microscope that examines his own one, God says:) So let man see what he is created. The creation of the water flush (slapper 5 and 6. And the difficulty of vision in microscopes initial fee Dalimbatios Dalempatius rights fully inside the head of Ahoin sperm in 1699, before the beginning of 18 century only one year without understanding to create the embryo of the parents in these phases, while declaring the Quran clearly since the seventh century AD Ptkhalq fetus in phases, the Almighty says :) What you do not hope to God for dignity. He has created you in stages (Noah, 13 and 14. The first stage of creating the embryo is outside the uterine cavity and amaze to amend the Koran in a position statement that all the stages to utter their bellies in the verse:) in the wombs of your mothers, creation after creation in the darkness of three (Cliques 6, and takes the baby three membranes microscopic already. The Koran shows in detail the differing stages of fetal development in the descriptive expressions and minutes are fully in line with the actual stages of the fetus, "says the Almighty:) We created man from a quintessence of clay. Then We made the sperm into a McCain. Then we drop a clot, the clot a little lump, a little lump, lump bones and clothed the bones with flesh, then We created another blessed be Allah the Best of creators (Believers 12-14. And the fetus in the phase of uterine first like a Balalqp Leech-like Embryo; find no counterpart with equivalent at that stage, they are longitudinal shape and heartless spring and live feed on the blood of another object hanging tags, which is the same descriptions of the first embryonic stage in the womb, after which members the initial formation Vidjad fetus appears with the dent and decreases are evident objects physical which are the spine of the later is more like a marks of teeth in chewing gum or a piece of meat and reaches the fetus to the size of the chewed and bends in the body was the word (embryo) is the most appropriate expression as equivalent in that Phase Chewable mass-like Embryo, and the stage of the member initial the formation of the beginnings of the bones in the seventh week and are covered by the priorities of the muscles in the eighth week, and therefore represents the expression) a little lump, lump bones and clothed the bones with flesh (scientific challenge is unprecedented in any other book attributed to the revelation, and end stage be members of the initial Organogenesis by the end of the eighth week, and the formation of the initial structure after the sixth week to take the fetus human form and left to give birth but to develop and modify the body and the proportion of head and body, which is consistent with the expression), then we created another blessed be Allah the Best of creators (and does not have reason and conscience only recognized with certainty that these scientific facts provided by the Quran her in a kind as not to draw on the purpose can not be sourced from humans before that microscopically and verified in the era of scientific revolution, especially in the last three centuries, and therefore does not provide appellants only evidence of arrogance and stubbornness, ignorance, the realities of science and ill- understanding of the signs of revelation in the Holy Book.

creation of the heavens

Today we speak about the scientific miracle in the Koran and will explain many facts, which talked about the evidence since the Quran more than 1400 years has proved to today's modern science After many experiences in our Quran Karim Helms start, for God's blessing on these realities and Nsrdha in detail, God willing 1 - creation of the heavens Our Lord says: (which is created for you on earth, then turned to the heaven and fashioned seven heavens, a knowledge of all things) The Cow: 29 and another verse says: (and then turned to the heaven when it was smoke), while the land was developed has evolved (and then turned to the the sky is smoke) that there is any stage of the smoke, the sky was this word of God and this is what science says it finally! They say: You want evidence? Just go to any of the observatories observatory and see with your own eyes to the sky you will find smoke in the sky .. Smoke residue makes up stars and planets to this day!! If I say to a Bedouin, or cultured: Do you smoke caused by fire or fire produces smoke? Would say: as a result of fire smoke. I said: Are the stars and planets would have thought it was a person smoke?! The fire was the smoke? Not notified to the minds of one but this is determined by the Koran (and then turned to the heaven when it was smoke, and said it and the earth: Come both, willingly or loth) separated: 11 when the earth started to contain - and this is also of the same book - studying the Earth say: formed the mountains by getting out of the ground in the form of volcanoes .. Look at the Mt. And are mountain .. And so on .. Mountains threw out of the ground (and if the ground ICE * and delivered what is in it and gave up) split: 3-4 dropped what where this will end up being in Alibdabp means that the mountains were mentioned in the verse: (And the mountains laid down) Conflict: 32 composed by throw threw the mountains and then what? Then the water came out of the ground all the seas and rivers were all in the ground and went out of the ground to the top. As well as plants, carbon dioxide air that makes up objects plants along with soil were all in the ground and then went out the original came out also from the ground Hear the words of the Lord Almighty: (and the earth, then Dhaha) to talk about the beginning of creation (ye more difficult to create or Heaven was built lift thickness Fssoaha * * Oguetc and its night and go out overnight and the earth, * then * Dhaha out from it its water and pasture and the mountains laid down by *) Conflict: 31-33 Did not say finally Tomb God first words that will meet with His saying: (He draweth pasture and mountains * * established by the provision for you and your cattle) Conflict: 31-33 Do you know what, but after this verse? (If you were a great disaster * Day when man what he * And Hell for those who see) Conflict: 34-36 Look at this verse we have 1400 years ago and now they say: "We saw this and God and we have studied the ground and studied history and found this has created so just as the first part talks about the beginning of creation, the second speaks of the end of the creatures, as we have seen the first part we will see the second part really really (if you were a great disaster on human remembers what he does) .. Rights you and I .. At this time we will remember .. Day remembers the man that sought Hell for anyone who finds either of the offset - limit is exceeded - and preferred the life of the world, the hell is the shelter of any and Lord for the right because it is all from Him (of the feared standing before his Lord and forbade restraint of passion * the Paradise is a shelter) Conflict choose for yourself what you want .. This word of the Lord of the Worlds have studied the ground, and this land studied interior, what they found? Found in the case of inflammation of the interior, then get out of it so thermal currents in the whirlpool and the other represents the cycle of currents and other currents such as a spiral, while Brad tea boil the water and climb down and the cycle of works .. Thus the ground boil from here .. Oven is too large .. This protects the underground oven .. Ground in the case of swirling animated .. Imagine if they cut off half the earth and said: This article and the land beneath the earth's crust which we are by that of the top of this earth's crust, beneath which this article .. Hence, here an article in the very heat that is where swirls and this means .. Article molten liquid .. This is a solid .. I think this is also the heart of the crust and this article, which occur where the vortices and the crust upon which we look at this and found it here seven pieces underneath a solid and somewhat above this cut to pieces .. Here begins the piece, and here begins the piece .. Earth .. Malone's this? .. Bedding, which we are .. Why make it a bed? What is the benefit bed? Prophylactics of its harm is beneath us .. Is not it? .. The fire beneath us here .. Pot .. .. And throw a huge rock from the bottom of the earth .. And above the hot crust if we die by what remains something .. Vfrchha God mat thickness 70 kilometers .. This crust you find you are 70 kilometers thick .. Prophylactics for this Brushes beneath us as a one-piece (O people, worship your Lord who created you and those before you, that ye may fear * Who made the earth a bed) Cow: 21-22 furnished beneath us so as not to Ndhar that existed in the ground .. Scientists did not know these facts only in the last ten years

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