
Night and day

 Almighty God said in verse 44 of Surat Al-Nur ((turns God day and night in that is a lesson for those who see)) the truth of God Almighty. What was to turn night and day? And if the day and night flipping switch means day and night and vice versa and make the half-day and night the other day, what will be a lesson to this initial vision? The lesson is that what happened to Pharaoh, for example, God made him stand a lesson and verse for those behind him, and if the word "lesson" meaning So I ask Almighty God reward you with good Is there a scientific discoverer of the newly interpreted to provide the night on the day in most or perhaps all the verses of the Qur'an?? Graciously answered the question the virtue of Mr. Karem Dr. Ghoneim Professor, Faculty of Science Al-Azhar University MALE day and night, together or separately, in dozens of Koranic verses, whether by reference to their differences, or penetration of each other, or Tkulaibh, or Tkwerh, or Igshaih, or appreciation, or a statement which attests Mnact rights, whichever is Ihdja it .. As for the verses mentioned the difference of night for the day, will mention them words of God: (In the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of night and day, astronomy, taking place in the sea, including the good of mankind and Allah has sent down from the sky and water revives the earth after its death and broadcast where all living creatures, and the conduct of wind and the clouds subjugated between heaven and earth are portents for folk who understand) [al-Baqarah: 164] (in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of night and day are signs for men of understanding) [Al-Imran: 190], (in that the alternation of night and day, and God created the heavens and the earth are portents for a people who fear) [Yunus: 6]. The verses mentioned any act of penetration: the introduction of the thing in the other, include the following: (cause the night in the day and intra day into night, and graduated from the dead, the living and the dead from the living, and kicking off at will without the expense of) [Al-Imran: 27], (That is because Allah merges night into day and He merges Day into night, and God hears and sees) [al-Hajj: 61] (Seest thou not that Allah merges night into day and He merges Day into Night and subjected the sun and the moon is indefinite and that the God of what ye do [ [Luqman: 29]] He merges Night into Day and He merges Day into Night and subjected the sun and the moon is named for him is Allah, your Lord, the King and those ye call upon besides what they own from harm) [Lo: 13]. The verses mentioned Aligsha (ie: coverage), ranging from the words of God: (The Lord God who created the heavens and the earth in six days and then mounted the Throne, occurring on the night the day requested by the vigor and the sun and the moon and the stars are subjected by His command, His creation and bless God the Lord of the Worlds) [custom: 54] (who spread out the earth and placed therein firm hills and flowing streams, and all the fruits to make the couple has two occurring on the night the day in that are Signs for those who reflect) [Thunder: 3]. The verses mentioned the night to the day his successor and his successor, the day to night, ranging from the words of God: (who made the night and day in succession, for those who wanted to remember, or desireth thankfulness) [Furqan: 62]. The verses mentioned flipping and appreciation, include the following: (turns God day and night in that is a lesson for those who see) [Nur: 44] (The Lord knows that you are the lowest two-thirds of the night and half and one third and a range of who you and God can day and night, aware that not Thsou turned towards you) [Muzzammil: 20]. The verses mentioned succession of night and day, ranging from the words of God: (not for the sun to overtake the moon, nor the night outstrip the day, and all floating in an orbit) [Yasin: 40]. The verses mentioned ecdysis the day from the night before (ie, separated and detected), ranging from the words of God: (and any of them is the Night: We withdraw therefrom the Day, if they are in darkness) [Yasin: 37]. The verses mentioned pelleting (ie, twisting and turning, or the introduction of this in that one), ranging from the words of God: (the creation of the heavens and the earth with truth, liqueurs night over the day and liqueurs day to night and the sun and the moon is named for not is Exalted) [Cliques: 5 ]. The verses mentioned Gattash night (ie: darkness), and Mnact Ahjuahm people during the day and night, ranging from the words of God: (And Oguetc for the night and go out overnight) [Conflict: 29], (which is to make you the night to repose in Verily in that are Signs for those who listen) [Yusuf: 67], (Did you see I made the night to rest therein, and Verily in that are Signs for those who believe) [ant: 86], (God who made you the night to repose in Verily Allah is full of bounty to mankind, but most people do not give thanks) [Mu'min: 61]. The verses that show the grace of the alternation of night for the day, ranging from the words of God: (Say: Do you see that God made you the night till the Day of Judgement, what god but God comes to enlightenment?) [Stories: 71] (Say: Do you see that God made you the day till the Day of Judgement, what god but God comes to dwell at night, when do you not see?) [Stories: 72]. He [Foucault Foucault pendulum] in 1851 that the earth revolves on its axis once every day, shows the day in the part facing the sun, while the corresponding part of Lille, and alternating day and night, the earth's rotation down the front of the sun. In spite of this, the there is apparent movement of the Cms see the scenes with his own eyes, and think that the sun is orbiting the Earth, but the fact that the Earth is orbiting the sun, in addition to spin around itself in front of the sun, the first movement Vttold by chapters four (summer and autumn and winter and spring), while the second movement Witold by day and night .. According to astronomical references that the place of sunrise and sunset vary anywhere from one day to another throughout the year, and therefore differs from all along the length of day and night, as much or as little as every deviation angle from the place of sunrise and sunset place. If you watched the two places with the beginning of spring, we find that the length of daylight is equal to the length of the night, because the sun rises in the east and sets exactly in the West completely, but then veer north at sunrise and sunset. And Bhetwaly days, gradually increasing deviation of the sunrise from the east to the north, the more deviation sunset from the west to the North, and building on this long day and shorten the night in the country, located between the equator and the North Pole, and the opposite will happen in the country, which lies between the equator and the South Pole. And continues to drift or tendency sun until it reaches the maximum [23.5 ° miles from the equator] when "inverted Summer" day (June 22) and the sun is in the maximum height at the time of the back, and it becomes longer days as possible and the night as short as possible, in the Land of the Northern Hemisphere , and vice versa in the country's southern hemisphere. As the days pass after the "inverted Summer" at least a mile of the sun, decreases rise time back and crawl in the sunrise from one day to the east, and crawl in the sunset from one day to the westward, and shorten the duration of sunshine in the land of the northern hemisphere, and less over the days in the direction of the pole North, and prevail in this country the day the permanent, with no night. But the opposite is occurring in the direction of the southern hemisphere, if the time was "autumnal equinox" (21 around September) Taamdt the sun on the equator, and equal to the length of the night with the length of the day again in all parts of the globe. After the "autumnal equinox" is increasingly a decrease tendency sun and less height at noon and marching in the sunrise in a south-east, and creeps in the sunset towards the south of the West, in the country located the northern hemisphere, increasing gradually the length of the night and shorten the length of the day ... and solve the "inverted Winter" ( approximately December 23), it is miles below the Sun [- 23.5 degrees], and it becomes the day and night Oqzareth Otoulh in the Northern Hemisphere, becomes always the night in the Arctic, and the day, always in the south polar region. As the days pass after the "inverted winter" increasing tendency of the sun, takes day in length and night in the palace, the northern hemisphere, and takes the day in the palace and the night in length the southern hemisphere to be resolved "vernal equinox" Day (March 21, approximately), Ozicoy the length of each night and day, again in all parts of the globe

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