
Flashes for a cow of Bani Israel from the Koran, the Torah and the Gospel

{Moses said to his people: "Allah commands that ye sacrifice a cow, they fool jest said I seek refuge in God to be one of the ignorant (67) said, pray for us thy Lord to show us what he says it is a cow neither old nor fullgrown between that so do what you are commanded (68) They pray to thy Lord for us to show us what color he says it is a cow is bright yellow color gone viewers (69) They pray to thy Lord for us to show us what is that all heifers alike: We and I, God willing, to receive guidance (70) He says it is a cow not broken raise land do not water the tilth Muslim hast where they now come to the right Vzbhoha what almost do (71) Taking slain breath Vadarotm where God troubleshooting what you hide (72) We said Smite him together as well as God pays tribute to the dead and He shows you His signs that you may understand} [Baqarah: 67-73] . This story is very short Quranic evidence has five books in five different books of the People of the Book (the Babylonian Talmud, Book Akaddocn - Mishna 1:2 PAR - Genesis 9:15 - 1:19 Issue-10-Deuteronomy 1:21 - 7). The last three books found in the Bible, and the rest of the books written are very rare in the rule of hidden. * Genesis Mishna spoke about the age of the cow (1). * Numbers spoke and the Talmud of the color of the cow (2) has narrated the story of the Talmud, "Dama", who refused to buy jewelry at a low price (because the keys were under the head of his sleeping father; so as not to wake him up) a red wheel Vkavoh God in his flock. Must be a yellow cow with unusual specifications; to as a reward from God for the outstanding work. This is consistent with some of the hadith that has watered that cow, "Dama" This is her story and that he had sold many times its weight in gold, so God rewarded him for his father to honor him. But the truth is that these conversations did not amount to health. God has said in the end of the story: {Vzbhoha and almost do}; it is possible to be what they intended to consult fortunetellers almost the price, but we can not be certain of that so I do not believe does not lie. * The number Vtaatkelm travel novel about the "sin offering" And the Lord said to Moses and Aaron: This is the requirements of the law which ordered: "Say to the prophet of Israel unto thee cow yellow, sound, free from any defect, not Iolha Nair, Vtattunha to Eleazar the priest to take her out of the camp and slaughtered in front of him, and the priest shall dip his finger in her blood and sprinkle it toward the face of the tent of meeting seven times!!! Flogged and burnt cow flesh and blood and Vrtha a scene from, and then take the cedar wood, hyssop, and red thread, and raised in the middle of the fire. The priest then washes his clothes and bathe himself in water, and then enter the camp, and the priest remains unclean until the evening!!! Combines a pure blood delivered by the cow and outside the camp in a place visible, REM preserved for the congregation of Israel for use in water disinfection. It is a sin offering. And to collect the ashes of the cow to wash his clothes, and remain unclean until the evening .. "(Numbers 1:19 - 10). Points of agreement between this novel and the novel Quranic apparent in the first paragraph .. Say to the children of Israel .. A red cow (this is close to the bright yellow) - sound .. Free of all defect .. Slaughtered in front of him. The rest of the novel differ completely; Qur'anic story speaking about the cow slaughtered to strike the portion of each {} Fidel dead killer is different in it. The Book of Numbers Wejtklm sacrifice for sin does not make sense, and should be sprayed with blood seven times and the survival of the priest unclean until the evening, as well as collect the ashes of the cow slaughtered flogged, meat, blood and Vrtha!! This last detail is not found in the novel never Koran. * The novel Deuteronomy Vtaatkelm for sacrifice killer Anonymous: "If he found the dead lying in the field in the land which the LORD your God, for you to possess, and did not know the murderer, does your elders and your judges measure the distance between the position of the body of the victim and the cities and neighboring countries, attending the elders of the nearest city to the body , the wheel not placed by the plow, and has not had bener, and take it to a valley where water perennial not plow it or sow Vixron neck of the wheel in the valley. then make the priests the sons of Levi; because the Lord your God has chosen for his service, and the Declaration of the pond on behalf of the Lord, and to eliminate the every dispute and every blow, wash all the elders of that city close to the body, hands over the wheel broken neck in the valley. They say: our hands did not shed this blood and our eyes have not seen .. "(Deuteronomy 21: 1-7). Similarity between this story and the story Quranic clear in two cases people did not know the killer, as well as the slaughter of a cow (or wheel) {not broken cause the earth} - although the rest of the recipes that cow in the Qur'an found in the novel Book of Numbers - ... however this story is different with the novel Qur'an in that it does not show us the relationship between the victim and a cow!!. On the contrary, the story of the Koran that made him a cause of the slaughter of the cow to commemorate the dead man is indicative of a killer. ** Is it possible that the Prophet peace be upon him - as alleged enemies of Islam, saying teacher crazy - have a look at all Jewish novels mentioned above. But - and a continuation of this hypothesis impossible - concluded this story completely separated when the Jews in many sources, after being found in common among them!!. Then must be peace be upon him has been ruled out details is logical that plague the Jewish novels, and none in alfalfa Alfranip. And even added to them the necessary additions as well as on display in graphical or he did something that the whole, he found, or check the manuscript did not find them we are even now, and then placed in its proper place in the Quran where exposure biography children of Israel, the days of Moses that this was impossible, If there is impossible and one in history Aalepeshri to the assumption that most convenient fabrication This dominance of the Koran written on the people of the book in various forms by knowledge of the hidden and revealed to the separation of books to correct the purposes of the stories. Source (1) JUDAISM IN ISLAM (AB. + KATSH) P.71

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