
Frequent lightning last time

 He says:) is the one who shows you the lightning for fear and hope, and establish the heavy clouds. Thunder and swim praise, and the angels of scares and sends lightning afflicts them whom they argue is a very assignee (Thunder: (12-13). Ibn Katheer said in his Tafseer: "A curse sent by the revenge of those who wants, and this abound in the last decade." It was narrated by Ibn Katheer in the cause of the descent of the verse narrated by Al-Hafiz Abu Ali Moussalli Anas bin Malik that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him sent a man back to the man of the Pharaohs Arabs, he said: "Go Vadeh me," he said: O Messenger of Allah that the most powerful of that, he said: "Go Vadeh me," he said: He went to him and said: Messenger of God invites you, he said: And Allah is the security of gold or silver or copper? He said he came to the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and tell him, and he said: I told you that the most powerful of that, he told me such and such, he said: "Return to the second Vadeh", and he came back to him, returned it like to speak first, and he came back to the Prophet, peace be upon him told him, he said: "ascribed to him," returned the third was terrifying to him so to speak, Whilst is talking to me since I sent him a cloud over his head Vraadt fell from lightning went Bqahv his head, revealed to God: "and sends a lightning afflicts them whom they argue is a very assignee. " Ibn Abbas said in the report of Abu Saleh, son of Greg and Ibn Zayd said: this verse was revealed and accepted by the Amer bin parasite and Irbid bin Rabia, and that they are then they went back they want the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, said a man from his companions: "O Messenger of God, this is Aamir ibn parasite may accept weave He said: "Let him be God to do good guides," so he turned to him, he said: O Muhammad, Mali that you become Muslim? He said: "You are what you need for Muslims and what they have," he said: I make it after you? He said: "This is not to God but to make it where he wants," said: Vtdjalni on the pile and you are generating?, Said: "No", he said: What makes me? He said: "I make you habenulae horses invade it," said: or not so to me today? It was recommended to Irbid bin Rabia If you saw me talk to him FDR behind him and hit him with the sword, and started to argue with the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and reviewing it, He toured Irbid behind the Prophet peace be upon him to beat him, Fajtrt of his sword Shubra and kept in God not able to the basket, making the Amer pointing to him, he turned the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, he saw Irbid and made his sword, he said: "O Acfnehma what you want," sent of God to Irbid lightning on Saiv shouted Vohrgueth gone, Amer away and said: O Muhammad, I called Lord killing Irbid, and God Omlonha horses for you an inventory and boys resort. The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: "prevents God from it and the people of the hematoma" - He wants to Aws and Khazraj - sat down Amer home of a woman Sloulip, when he became the annexation by the gun, went out, he says: Lat and Uzza, while Tawny Muhammad to the owner - I mean, the Angel of Death - to Onfznhma Bermhi, when he saw the Almighty that it sent the property Vltmh wings Vodhirah in the dirt, and went out on his knee gland at the time a great Kgdp camel's back, returned to the house Alsloulip he says: gland Kgdp back and death in the house Alsloulip, and then died on the back of his horse, and Allah Almighty when this story: "Whether any of you say it is manifested" until he reached "and the prayer of disbelievers is in vain." And this enters the phrase the words of God fit of Thunder "and not those who disbelieve will acquire what they have done the side or be solved soon from their home until the promise of God that God does not break His promise" (Thunder: 31), where Ibn Katheer - may Allah have mercy on him - from Ibn Abbas - may Allah be pleased with him - saying, "acquire what they have done the side," said a punishment from heaven, house them, "Al-Qurtubi said - may God have mercy on him -: the artful Tfjwhm disbelief; and Atohm; and said: pumpkins is if the injury, and the combination Qguara; The origin of pumpkin battery which does not still unbelievers acquire a shrewd deadly of the lightning also hit Irbid or killed or captured or sterility, or otherwise torment and affliction. and Thunderbolt Thunderbolt is the electrical discharge between the base of a cloud thunderstorm (Mizin rockfill) with a negative electric charge and the Earth's surface with the electric charge is positive. It is curious that the presentation of the bolt is less than 2.5 centimeters, while the onions length of about 50 km, and lead when they occur to raise the temperature of the atmosphere penetrated to more than 30,000 degrees Celsius, leading to the expansion of gas dramatically up to date sound huge resounding frequented among the clouds surrounding to turn to thunder. And assume that the bolt hit the loaded cargo negative 30 kilometers amp, and the movement is worth five Colomat and 500 joule of energy. Severe lightning and lightning can carry a value of 120 amp and 350 Colom, and the voltage proportional to the length of the bolt. The bolt that hit the positive charge the shipments loaded with 300 mA of Electrical energy, equivalent to ten times the average cargo loaded bolt negative. And surveillance satellites about 100 lightning flash per second, at an annual rate of 1.4 billion and a flash in the year, 80% of which is inside the clouds, and 20% between the cloud and the earth, which is known Balsoaak. Based on the information derived from satellites for NASA and private density spatial occurrence of lightning flashes worldwide during the period 1995 -2002, and shown by map number () clearly shows that flashes on the surface of the land-intensive than they occur on the surfaces of the oceans; due to the low specific heat of the surfaces of land compared to oceans, and the consequent heating of air in contact and the consequent escalation of the antenna and thunderstorms and lightning flashes. One study has shown that modern Brazil, which is located in the tropical zone is the world's most injury Balsoaak, said Osmar Pinto, a researcher at the Group of electricity atmosphere that participated with the Brazilian Institute for Space Studies in drawing a map of the fuses using satellite data that Brazil hit 70 million by lightning annually or equivalent Saaktin or three per second. And about a hundred people die in Brazil every year after contracting the Balsoaak. These incidents tenth of the total deaths related to incidents of lightning in the world. Lightning also caused damage worth an annual $ 200 million. Statistics show that deaths resulting from lightning strikes in the United States of America it is the highest among deaths caused by other natural disasters, ranging from 100 to 600 people annually, and cause injury between 1000 to 1500 people a year were seriously injured. And is located most of the deaths among males in the age group 15-44 years. The focus of these losses are clearly in the South and Midwest, particularly in Florida and Texas. Statistics of the National Committee for Disaster Management Government of Cambodia to the 93 people killed in lightning storms last year, more than double the proceeds of 2007, which amounted to 45 people. The Deputy Chairman of the Committee that the reasons for the high death toll from lightning each year is not clear, that climate change may be a reason to do so. The high incidence of lightning in the last decade is that told by the Prophet peace be upon him in the non-interview, was narrated that Abu Sa'eed al-may Allah be pleased with him: that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said: "frequent lightning when approaching an hour, until the men folk, he says: of shock before you Fajr? say: so and so shocked. " Musnad Ahmad (3 / 65). It was narrated by the ruling in the "pleased with" this attribution, and the wording is: ":" abound on the approach of lightning time, it becomes a people, they say: It shocked yesterday? Say: so and so shocked. "Musnad Ahmad (3 / 65). Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him: he said: "Soon they will not find homes Tkinkm; Thlkha Alroajv, do not tell the animals in your travel Notes; Thlkha lightning." Narrated by al-Naim Bin Hamad "sedition." There is no doubt that the warning frequent lightning at the hands of a hint of what will be introduced to the planet from climate change signs appeared during the first decade of this century, was quoted by news agency Itar-Tass, Russian air temperature set a record at all in the Russian capital this year when he rose to the level of 37.2 degree Celsius, while the previous absolute record is 36.8 degrees Celsius was recorded in 1920. Recorded as the Presidency of Meteorology, Saudi Arabia, another record-high city of Mecca when temperatures rose to 50 degrees Celsius in the shade, with recorded 60 degrees Celsius in the sun. The believer worships his Lord in fear and hope) He showeth you the lightning, a fear (24), (afraid of lightning Ksaakp and hope for a cloud of rainy, and such phenomena and others but remember the remembrance of Allah, the Almighty), and swim Thunder praise, and the angels of scares (13) (In that lies the secret of survival , where Tabaraniyy from Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him said the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, "If you hear thunder, remember Allah, it does not affect saying," said Ouzai was the son of Abu Zakaria says: Who said when he heard thunder, "Hallelujah and praise" had missed lightning . Perhaps many of the afflicted by lightning in the last decade due to the few who remember God, where the time but the worst of people, and where there is no on the ground saying, as narrated by Imam Muslim in his Saheeh from Anas, may Allah be pleased with him said: The Messenger of Allah him "is not even at not being told in the earth: God of God." As narrated by Imam Ahmad in his Musnad from Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him said, "The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him:" Lord said the Almighty if Abedi Otaoni to Osagithm rain at night and briefed them the sun during the day and what Osamathm Sound of Thunder "Narrated by Ahmad and classed Haakim Sources (1) http://www.resaltalislam.com (2) Abdul Permanent ghostbuster, a miracle cold: www.kaheel7.com (3) Middle East Journal, Thursday, 2002 Ramadan 1423 November 7, 2002 Issue 8745 (4) http://www.cellar.org (5) http://www.s-maj.net (6) http://geology.com (7) http://en.wikipedia.org (8) http://ar.wikipedia.org (9) William T. Hark, MD, The Human Effects of Lightning Strikes and Recommendations for Storm Chasers, http://www.harkphoto.com (10) Nelson Adekoya, Kurt B. Nolte, MD, Struck-by-Lightning Deaths in the United States, Journal of Environmental Health, May 2005. (11) http://ar.rian.ru (12) http://www.kazdar.co (13) http://www.almahdy Bookmark and Share

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