
Explain how to open a trading account online

 The opening of any new account with a broker online forex usually includes four simple steps First choose the type of account Second registration Thirdly activate account IV confirm account In the beginning Open a Demo Account with two or three Alsemsarp then scored to open a real account with a broker who seems more comfortable for you and easy to implement your business .. Then Choose the type of account Brokers exchange offer accounts to individuals and companies, will be able to choose between different accounts in line with the size of the deposit first, for new traders intelligent and who do not want to risk a lot of money in a period of learning, open the small account may start at $ 400, while the expert tradesmen or any someone who has a lot of money can open a standard account, which requires an initial deposit of a much larger may begin with $ 4000 and above There Three types of well-known accounts of Islamic interest-free Islamic Micro account. The expense of Islamic miniature Islamic account record Upon registration Must submit written work in order to open your new account and shapes will vary from one broker to another are usually provide you written a valuable file PDF format for this will need Adobe Acrobat to read these files. Usually it may be asked to open the account registration page directly from the site of the mediator. When Account Activation Broker will send e-mail you the necessary steps to activate your new account after receiving the necessary papers to prove identity in addition to other documents ... Confirm Account After you activate the account is a brokerage firm will send you usually user name and password to access Sralamstamlp your neighborhood "real new" e-mailed as well as to explain the steps on how to deposit money in your account We hope to be successful in delivering information

How to read the exchange rate of currency trading screen

 Simply the exchange rate is the ratio of currency in value against other currency We present an example to simplify the information The exchange rate of EUR / USD means as follows, including the euro is the main currency in the pair Can buy only one euro against the dollar in the price we have visual sense Can be purchased for only 1 Euro 1.4503 U.S. dollars In other words, this is the price of the dollar that could be sold to buy 1 euro. That is, the sale of $ 1 and 45 cents and 3 Point can only buy 1 euro .. But there are remarkable job Why did not you read the price 1.4500 And 1.4503 to read? What are these 3 points? So you know the answer must know the following terms Base currency Currency counter Spreads Alboynt The currency key Is the first currency in any currency pair and be on hand in the north to screen the currency pair exchange rate. In this example the exchange rate in the pair EUR / USD equals 1.4503 This means the euro is the currency is considered the "core" This means that every 1 euro you can buy with U.S. $ 1.4503. And currency anti- Is the second currency on your hand right in the currency pair .. Known as the currency of "reading" or a currency counter that we use to read the price And also call Alboynt currency to which it is to count the number of points that is driven by the husband. We say that the currency "countermeasures" against such currency equal to the "core" This Example EUR / USD 1.4503 in the exchange rate of the currency here is the anti-dollar is the currency of any Alboynt that each of $ 1.4503 equals 1 euro only. Appears The difference between the purchase price and the selling price known Balsebred "or points of difference And Spreads Mediation is a taxi company " For example, in the exchange rate of EUR / USD 1.4503/1.4500 was But will read orally without the first three digits of the three should read "03 / 00" If the difference was only here 3 Point. Alboynt point Is the smallest unit of price for any currency is calculated us our profits and losses .. Almost all currency pairs, including five numbers and more couples have a decimal point after the first number For example, a pair EUR / USD at the exchange rate of 1.4503 In this case Alboynt smaller one is equal to the change in the fourth decimal place 0.0003 is the If the currency counter in any pair where the USD The value is always equal to one Alboynt 1 ÷ 100 cents. With the exception of one pair of prominent USD / JPY where Alboynt equal to $ 0.01. We hope we have a n hosts of the way to read the exchange rate of screen trading

Is there a difference between stocks and stock exchange

 It is better than the other two Come with me to know the difference and be standing on solid ground FFA participation shares are shares in the capital of the company They are trying to support the company's shares in the market and filed and may issue any rumor about the company lead to the deterioration and loss per share The Forex Trading shall be the capital are much safer because of the currency when we buy the State or Union countries support the currency largely not affected by the currency of any rumors to that be at the level of countries such as the currency of the European Union euro, the United States of America more currency trading, and therefore, whichever is best that you company shares or support countries to support its currency ... ?? Which is the most secure nation's economy or economy of the company? And currency trading you can start selling the currency and close the deal to buy or vice versa, and this is not available in the stock market And the currency market is more liquid market and active and profitable for the investor, companies and banks are traded via the Internet You can withdraw any amount at any time from your bank account directly in stocks while waiting to be sold the stock and capture price The most important differences is that the equity-backed company / Economics Corporate / The currency is backed by the state or states, which makes this stock a strong economy Not affected by any shocks in terms of stock issued rumors only lead to the loss of value You can stop the loss of any time in the currency and reduce the size of the loss and in addition you can order an automatic device to stop the loss even if it were not Monitor prices on the device and the computer programming of the computer and issue an order to buy or sell when the cursor reaches at a certain point It is thus clear that the currency market is much better than shares of companies in which we showed clear

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