
The secret of high gold prices

Today I was at the center of the sale of gold and gold dealers I met, as well as wholesale exchange (buying and selling Alamlaat) and Ballantih out the following: - No rush to buy gold and the market has become a place of ghosts from a lack of visitors - All people want to sell gold ... And went to the extent that many traders have decided to refuse to buy the gold from the people because of lack of liquidity .. Some traders started buying the gold from the people at a lower price than the market price .. The same thing I read is happening in Egypt from the vicinity of site news - I asked about the reason for gold traders the price of gold and said to me: The dollar began plunging quickly .. And many countries around the world began seriously considering linking its currency to gold as it was happening before the seventies ... And canceled by U.S. President at that time .. This is the secret high gold When I asked them the reason may be the height of the euro against the dollar ... Strongly denied .. They told me compare between the price of the euro by 5 years .. And between the price of gold than five years .. And you will know that this is not true When I asked them about the fact that the gold price will collapse, as happened in the eighties ... They decided to exclude it in the next four years at least They told me that the price is near $ 1500 Remote and its price $ 2000 Vhnothm on this thing .. But were saddened that this will not benefit them .. Because no one buys .. Countries such as India, China, Russia and Qatar buys banks .. While we Aistrae of us, but people People for the precious gold Aistron It was already put them badly No one buys gold these days And was perplexed by this thing Rising gold ... Forex is the high It is not high, in fact

Cancer treatment with gold

In a special ceremony at the White House yesterday, was honored the Egyptian origin of the world, Dr. Mustafa al-Sayyid, professor of biochemistry and director of the dynamics of the laser laboratory at the Georgia Institute of Technology for his winning of the highest decoration in the U.S. scientific field of chemistry of 0.2007 He received the Dr. Mustafa al-Sayyid this award for his contributions to the many constructive and creative, which contributed to the understanding of optical properties and electronic secondary materials and their applications in many fields, particularly medicine nanotechnology (nano-meters, a billionth of a meter) and the area of catalysts secondary and his humanitarian efforts in cooperation and exchange between various countries and prominent role in the development of scientific leadership in the future. In exclusive statements to Al-Ahram, Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed said his research focused on the use of technology nanotechnology in medicine, particularly in cancer research with the participation of his son, professor of surgery, Dr. Ayman head and neck cancer center at the University of California at San Francisco, has reached a that the gold nano-particles that help in the discovery of the cancer cells when heated and can destroy cancer cells, They are currently working on the development of gold nano-rods can be cylindrical lock onto the cancer cells, which emit light when the docking process, which facilitates the discovery of the infected cells, and using lasers to these bars can destroy these cells selectively, and by 100% and without causing any damage to healthy cells, as these bars are designed reluctantly allows them to use lasers, which is exploring under the skin to kill cancer cells without causing any damage to the skin. The world expected that the Egyptian is the application of his invention in the treatment of cancer foil gold nanoparticles within 7 years from now, expressing his concern that the Chinese before the application of this treatment due to their lack of restrictions on human experimentation, especially that most of his team Chinese, and stressed that the severe restrictions on the scientific experiments on humans in the United States to the rapid shift in the testing of this technique on human patients, indicating that pending the approval of human tests, after the successful 100% in the treatment of animals infected with human cancers using Metrucbat nanometric gold. The nano is the smallest unit in the corn reached by the scientists until now The accuracy under the microscope so that the equivalent thickness of a human hair per 50 thousand Nano, and up ball-sized red blood to a thousand nano and nano-and one A of the Milli Mejlis. Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed said article of gold lose their properties noninteractive when it is subdivided into minutes nanomaterial and turn into a material interactive and stimulating to interact with the body of the cancerous cell and talked and flash inside, while Ataatvaal with cell sound, and thus seem the last dark under the microscope. And gather chips gold nanoparticles to form a luminous layer on the body of the cell to kill the patient within minutes, while breaking up inside of healthy cells and do not affect them in any way. And indicates that the gold foil nanoparticles recognize the cancer cells infected but does not see the healthy cells, and the article nano-gold absorbs laser light, which brings them after their arrival to the cell infected and turn into heat melt the cancerous cell. The world expected the Egyptian (American Nationality ) that this treatment is less expensive in terms of materials used from the laser treatment, which may be enough for one microgram (one thousandth of a gram of gold) for the treatment of liver cancer. He said that this research took him two years, and warned that the nano-gold only kill cells that are directed to it, since it can appear elsewhere in the body and therefore must be handled in the same way wherever they were. It should be pointed out that the researcher, Dr. Mona Mohamed the Egyptian teacher at the National Institute for Laser Sciences, Cairo University, is trained by the Chinese team, which conducted research with Dr. Mustafa Ali how to break up article to the Nano before returning to Cairo. The Dr. Mustafa al-Sayyid graduated from the Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University in 1952, and gained his PhD from the University of Florida in 1959 and worked as a researcher in each of the universities of Yale and Harvard and the California Institute of Technology, and is one of the leading scientists in the world in the field applications of spectral methods to study the molecular motor transformations in the molecules and chemical groups atomic gas and solids and biological systems and studying the mechanisms of energy transformations in the various sentences Alfotukemiaiip Alfoto and synthetic. Mr. and Dr. Mostafa scientific base known by his name, Mr. Roll founded in the sixties of the last century, taught in the textbooks so far also received recognition from many prestigious scientific community through research leader in its field, has published more than 500 research in scientific journals and leading the Court, January 8, 2008 In a research occupied the first position in the list of the top ten most cited research in chemistry

Learn about White Gold


(Platinum) chemical element, or what is known among some people as "white gold" is a precious metal for the color gray - white, The origin of the word platinum to the Spanish word, namely, (Plata) and means (silver small), and platinum is stronger than iron and has a flexible gold. Has the symbol Pt in the periodic table and atomic number 78 and atomic weight of 195.09 and last orbit 5d9 1768.3C and the degree of melting and boiling point 3825C. Date Platinum is the rarest and most precious metals in the world. Was discovered for the first time in the year 1557, so by the Italian Julius Skelijr, and in 1750 was the discovery of large quantities of metal platinum, and that when he found the Spanish deposits of crude platinum in Latin America but it was cheap because people know its value, but began its value in the Height when spread and became the world aware of and familiar with Bastkhaddamath and its benefits. There is no platinum in nature alone, but there are mixed with five other metals are palladium, osmium, iridium, ruthenium, and rhodium, in different proportions and called on the name of these six metals community name platinum group metals. In some cases, are found on blocks of natural platinum, in the year 1843 found in Russia on a mass weighing 9.5 kg of natural platinum. Platinum Properties Platinum metal strong stainless steel does not lose its luster when exposed to air, because platinum does not react with oxygen or sulfur compounds in the air, as it is not affected by acids that melt most other metals. The best way to melt platinum is to use a mixture of nitric acid and hydrochloric acid, and easily combine with phosphorus, arsenic, silicon, and also a platinum alloy with most metals. Uses of platinum Platinum is used in chemical laboratories to melt the samples of various acids, because it resists heat and corrosion, and also uses platinum in the work of panels and thin wires that are used in a variety of purposes. Also works platinum to dismantle parts of the oil, and enters in the jewelry industry in a wide range because of its strength and hardness, in addition to the non-affected material de-gloss, and uses platinum in the manufacture of the best surgical instruments, and laboratory instruments, and dental, are also used some of the vehicles chemical container for the platinum in the treatment of certain forms of cancer such as platinum compound Cisse (cis platinum).

Emerald and gold

Emerald stone Emerande:

Emerald stone known by several names, including: Emerald real Alberil Gduc and Samar. This stone is composed of beryllium and aluminum silicate. Native and sources of the current major: the original home of Egypt, Sudan, China, Spain, The seizure of the main current are: Colombia, Russia, Australia, Pakistan, South Africa, Egypt, Sudan, Madagascar, Zimbabwe, Thailand, Brazil, Norway, Afghanistan, Canada, Austria, Ukraine, Mozambique and Italy. Came to talk about the precious stone emerald on the tongues of many Arab scientists and researchers, such as: Biruni, Farabi, and Altevasche, and Ibn al-Bitar, and David of Antioch, and I'm Alokvani, and Razi, Canadian, and Muhammad bin Zakaria and others. The effects of this stone human health: it uses the Emerald in many cases, such as allergies, leprosy, acne, vitiligo, and gangrene, pleurisy, asthma, epilepsy, depression, nerve pain, paralysis, insomnia, headache, edema and acidity of the stomach, dysuria, and acidity of the blood and stop bleeding wounds. Crushed with honey is used for the treatment of all skin diseases, and crushed with rose water to get rid of toxins. Not for emerald collateral damage.


 Gold is known by several names, including: dust, and Alasadjad, the decoration and the fine gold. Composed of only gold. Native and sources of the current master: his native India, Cyprus, Ethiopia, and ancient Egypt, and Antioch, Afghanistan, Iran / The areas of his current home are: Russia, Australia, Canada, Africa and South America, Saudi Arabia and the Alaska and California. Gold has been mentioned in the Koran and also mentioned in the hadith and praised by poets and doctors said the Arabs. Gold health effects on humans: Gold uses many of them to remove the odor from the mouth and to treat Almnjuli epilepsy, leprosy, lupus, gout, sciatica, strokes and heart heartburn and jaundice and to strengthen the eye, to stimulate the nervous system and depression. Used abrasor Comerhm gold with honey for the treatment of skin diseases. There is currently a research on the use of gold for the treatment of cancer and doing the research world, the great Egyptian Mostafa El-Sayed, USA. As there is of gold Beauty Cosmetics where he was in the market solutions and products containing the liquid gold of 24-carat, to moisturize the skin, especially facial skin where he works to cover all the pores of the skin and makes it more softness and freshness. Gold collateral damage if used heavily internally where harm bladder.

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