
Emerald and gold

Emerald stone Emerande:

Emerald stone known by several names, including: Emerald real Alberil Gduc and Samar. This stone is composed of beryllium and aluminum silicate. Native and sources of the current major: the original home of Egypt, Sudan, China, Spain, The seizure of the main current are: Colombia, Russia, Australia, Pakistan, South Africa, Egypt, Sudan, Madagascar, Zimbabwe, Thailand, Brazil, Norway, Afghanistan, Canada, Austria, Ukraine, Mozambique and Italy. Came to talk about the precious stone emerald on the tongues of many Arab scientists and researchers, such as: Biruni, Farabi, and Altevasche, and Ibn al-Bitar, and David of Antioch, and I'm Alokvani, and Razi, Canadian, and Muhammad bin Zakaria and others. The effects of this stone human health: it uses the Emerald in many cases, such as allergies, leprosy, acne, vitiligo, and gangrene, pleurisy, asthma, epilepsy, depression, nerve pain, paralysis, insomnia, headache, edema and acidity of the stomach, dysuria, and acidity of the blood and stop bleeding wounds. Crushed with honey is used for the treatment of all skin diseases, and crushed with rose water to get rid of toxins. Not for emerald collateral damage.


 Gold is known by several names, including: dust, and Alasadjad, the decoration and the fine gold. Composed of only gold. Native and sources of the current master: his native India, Cyprus, Ethiopia, and ancient Egypt, and Antioch, Afghanistan, Iran / The areas of his current home are: Russia, Australia, Canada, Africa and South America, Saudi Arabia and the Alaska and California. Gold has been mentioned in the Koran and also mentioned in the hadith and praised by poets and doctors said the Arabs. Gold health effects on humans: Gold uses many of them to remove the odor from the mouth and to treat Almnjuli epilepsy, leprosy, lupus, gout, sciatica, strokes and heart heartburn and jaundice and to strengthen the eye, to stimulate the nervous system and depression. Used abrasor Comerhm gold with honey for the treatment of skin diseases. There is currently a research on the use of gold for the treatment of cancer and doing the research world, the great Egyptian Mostafa El-Sayed, USA. As there is of gold Beauty Cosmetics where he was in the market solutions and products containing the liquid gold of 24-carat, to moisturize the skin, especially facial skin where he works to cover all the pores of the skin and makes it more softness and freshness. Gold collateral damage if used heavily internally where harm bladder.

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