
The secret of high gold prices

Today I was at the center of the sale of gold and gold dealers I met, as well as wholesale exchange (buying and selling Alamlaat) and Ballantih out the following: - No rush to buy gold and the market has become a place of ghosts from a lack of visitors - All people want to sell gold ... And went to the extent that many traders have decided to refuse to buy the gold from the people because of lack of liquidity .. Some traders started buying the gold from the people at a lower price than the market price .. The same thing I read is happening in Egypt from the vicinity of site news - I asked about the reason for gold traders the price of gold and said to me: The dollar began plunging quickly .. And many countries around the world began seriously considering linking its currency to gold as it was happening before the seventies ... And canceled by U.S. President at that time .. This is the secret high gold When I asked them the reason may be the height of the euro against the dollar ... Strongly denied .. They told me compare between the price of the euro by 5 years .. And between the price of gold than five years .. And you will know that this is not true When I asked them about the fact that the gold price will collapse, as happened in the eighties ... They decided to exclude it in the next four years at least They told me that the price is near $ 1500 Remote and its price $ 2000 Vhnothm on this thing .. But were saddened that this will not benefit them .. Because no one buys .. Countries such as India, China, Russia and Qatar buys banks .. While we Aistrae of us, but people People for the precious gold Aistron It was already put them badly No one buys gold these days And was perplexed by this thing Rising gold ... Forex is the high It is not high, in fact

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