
What is the secret that lies in the gold

? What is strange strange in his magic? What is the secret in Aktnazh by rich and poor, to the extent of each? Why is on men and women in order to get it and keep it? What is the secret of this article, which was able to make the human breath behind them down? It fell empires or kingdoms have expanded because of him? Buying gold and collect it and painting it and saved and Aktnazh and use of cash, defined rights since ancient times and grabbed people's ideas in various Alomenkp and times. I have discovered the human gold since ancient times and retrieved him so far over 100 thousand tons, not only wasted about 5% -7%, while taking the oil, for example, drained of some states, and this is the difference between the resources in terms of their depletion. Scarcity of gold and the many uses and being a semi-global currency is not controlled by the States in the form which is controlled by its currency paper is made of gold, which takes these prestigious. The history of the stability of the gold price within the specified systems stretching across 300 years in Britain and along the 800 years during the reign of the Byzantine Empire. This, in fact, evidence of validity of the theory amount of cash and currency and legitimacy. The gold standard prevailed in most parts of the world during the nineteenth century, and even the beginning of the First World War in 1914, and was serving the launch of the free transfer of currency into gold. System was characterized by gold standard, as it was applied until 1914, three essential qualities have made a distinct gold plays the role of the common currency between different countries. Monetary unit is determined by the weight of a certain gold, and individuals can get this free turn golden for the provision of paper currencies, gold instrument can also be exported and imported without objection. This lasted until canceled gold from circulation entirely internal in the thirties, and was abandoned place of paper money and traded either in the form of banknotes or convert non-cash from a bank account to another. However, the issue is not over the withdrawal of gold coins from circulation, paper money has separated the golden rule and lost practically link to gold. In early 1979, has attracted people's attention sharp rises in the prices of gold, with an ounce of it indigestion Booakhar 1978 $ 250. While it recorded a rise since 1971 to the end of 1978 from $ 35 an ounce to $ 250. As in 1979, has doubled the price just reached the end of the year was about $ 540 an ounce. These gains have made black people tend to buy gold, because it combines between freedom and order, hard cash and ribavirin are the poles of any financial system, just the liquid such as investment and fixed investment are the two poles ribavirin any system investment. Samir Abdo says in his book "A Study on the impact of gold on the world economy," The movement of supply and demand affect the price of gold in the world within the following frameworks: $ Determined by the price of gold at a cost of production usually. $ Macro-gold balance value that exceeds the economic value of the raw material constituents. $ Holds gold for speculative purposes. $ Gold sale is in accordance with the current price relationship with interest rate and price level. $ Weakness of the existing monetary system, has made gold the safest haven for investment. It is interesting to note the attention that the gold collector of contemporary multi-faceted; of the poor farmer who buys for his wife or his daughter, a gold ornament after a good harvest, to the Director of an international financial institution that converts a large part of the capital of the Corporation into gold when there is a possibility for that in certain circumstances. Therefore, it is not easy to find a clear and consistent relationship between supply and demand for gold, as that which raises the largest amount which is used industrially in the market. For this reason, the investment profitable gold metal does not have any meaning only if the industry developed a helper Edeida and pursuant to it. The many benefits of gold are countless. It is used Khalip and Accessories, and is used as a means future savings, as well as solid as a reserve for emergencies, and is used in industry and bullion Almassagat. The gold and invest in a key element in every time and place. Therefore, there were many uses of gold and a variety of shapes and styles, gold has been used as a standard hard cash and the content of many years ago in the form of ornaments and decorations for thousands of years. I love the people of gold, not only because it fills the hungry bellies chilling cold or warm, or push the wheels of industry, but loved him for several outstanding qualities have made throughout history people meant metal. It is an attractive color, glossy strong possibility, the easy way does not rust, nor eroded by exhaust the environment does not change the color or reduces weight. Is not different from two in the beauty of gold. It features a yellow color in different shades of adorable ever depends on the amount and nature of the material by Blended of copper or silver or other. Since time immemorial, people make the kinds of gold ornaments and jewelry different. For some of the gold artifacts, the value of the metal itself be something trivial in comparison with historical value and heritage and the arts. The latest statistics indicate that it is being converted more than half of world production of gold ornaments and jewelry, such as contracts, rings and gold chains. The same statistics show that the second Astkmam of gold in the world is known as foundries, which holds the gold melted and melted, with other material in some cases, then convert it to gold coins. I have used gold as money and a central authority and the rule of greed and greed since ancient times. It could be argued that it had acquired the characteristics of money since the 4-5 thousand years in the age of ancient civilizations more advanced. Have been over 2600 years since the first gold coins minted. Christopher Columbus - discoverer of America - that gold and I am charmed the coolest thing in the world and has the gold gets all the desires for this world. For these reasons, love people gold to almost being a slave and soon it became in the last two centuries the main material in handling the cash among the people, then take a rule based on the banknotes in circulation, a job he gained a certain length of time until canceled the gold standard in 1973 as a result of the Bretton Woods Agreement . The increasing industrial interest in gold in recent times after taking a roles and many forms of unique characteristics. It is currently used in dentistry, passing through the textile industry, and the end of space and computer technology. With the increasing demands for the use of gold as decoration and personal enrichment, indicated by research and experiments on the existence of other benefits to this article yellow, was quickly exploited in various industrial sectors. Gold has been used in the electrical industries, as well as in the field of electronic industries. So, gold will remain conservative on his property deals him as a reserve and an ideal form of absolute liquidity of capital, and its unique position enjoyed by the international monetary system. Although formally stripped of money for gold, most governments and central banks almost still sitting on funds, do not seem willing to give up its reserves for the stack. But that, as a result of the status of gold among other currencies, the number of those responsible for pension funds in the world are now looking to gold as a by accredited and comfortable to invest in their arsenal of money. We have reflected the control of gold on people, communities and countries in a large number of words and sentence in all times and in the heritage of nations and a large number of literary works. Curse of the people as much as LIVE The gold, but no one was indifferent towards him ever so full of museums, we see the effects of old Khaleda made of metal gold descended to us from ancient civilizations. In conclusion, I say "; The full coffers with gold is not the only proof of the progress of a nation. Without a strong economy and the existence of raw materials are plentiful and produce a great abundance in the minds and skilled manpower and scientific capacity, to become piles of gold is a blocks, metal, no life in it and have no meaning.

How does a gold

Know when discovered gold for the first time, but it is clear that humanity since ancient times has been estimated that the value of gold. The combined gold gods for some people, so they have had a special place. Archaeologists have found the cups and gold jewelry, manufacture date back to 3500 years BC. M, made by the people of the ancient civilizations of Ur in Mesopotamia (now Iraq). Jewelry also found in the tombs of Egyptian Pharaohs dating back to the same period of time. The ancient Egyptians believed that gold is the metal gods and all the gold was for the pharaoh. Since those ancient times kings wear crowns of gold. The gold is present in abundance in the land around the Mediterranean. The people making Mseni Greece cups decorated with gold handles. Archeologists have found such cups in the tombs of the kings buried in 1500 BC. M. Almost. The use of China's population, and Crete, India, Persia (Iran Today) gold to make beautiful things such as dishes, bowls and cups. In some cases, covered with gold hilts. And a little of the work of Roman gold remained. He was buried at times rich treasures of gold and silver in times of war. At present, people extracted some of these treasures. Roman coins have been struck and the rich of them to wear gold jewelry .. How to be gold Scientists believe that gold may be the deposition of the gases and fluids rising from the bottom surface of the earth. These gases and liquids rise in the direction of the surface through cracks in the earth's crust. There is gold in abundance in the rocks forming the crust. There is often with metallic copper and lead. Often, researchers first mixed for gold between the ore which they found a Alberait, a compound composed of iron and sulfur. Because it looks like gold, but without a value, known as gold stupid. It is rare to find a piece of gold large enough to see them, although the large rocks of gold had been found in Australia in the late nineteenth century. There is gold in the veins of metal, and in alluvial deposits or as an element of porphyry copper as well as in sea water. Deposits of mineral veins. Are the veins in the earth's crust. Sandy or alluvial deposits. Large particles, called nuggets or grains of gold, are found in river beds. These particles washed away by surface water or flood water and its campaign away from the metal race. And some very large fragments. Fragments and the largest discovered so far is O hello stranger, which is found in Molijul Victoria, Australia, in 1869, which concluded, including 6992 kilograms of pure gold. Before that, eleven years old, I discovered the block another gold in Ballarat Victoria, Australia, and concluded, including 68.72 kg of pure gold. The largest recorded cluster globally containing gold, are found in the End Is in New South Wales, Australia in 1872, a piece of slate and gold reached a height of 145 cm and 38 cm display and weighed more than 235 kilograms of pure gold. But did not record a block real gold, because it was a mixture of slate and gold. The alluvial deposits are of two types fragmented and mud, and soon there is the first type of gold veins, and the second is far away from her, often in river beds. Some gold is found in large deposits of copper deposits called porphyry copper. Gold in sea water. All sea water containing gold solution. The result of sea water 72 milligrams of gold per metric ton. And scientists looking for ways to profitably mined. It is rare for the presence of gold in pure form, but is often accompanied by silver in the alloy naturally called electrum, and is usually coupled with quartz or calcite, or lead, or tellurium or zinc or copper, and is often mined as a by these metals. For example, only 40% of gold mined in the United States, is extracted from the sites may be true to name the gold mine it .. How to prospecting for gold .. Different ways depending on the type of gold mining sediments. Are two steps to get gold instruments necessary are: 1 - to obtain crude 2 - separate the gold from the ore. In most mining operations in the alluvial deposits are two processes in the sediment sites. In the case of underground exploration drilling is raw, then transferred to separate the mills and the focus there. Are prospecting for sediment or mineral veins under the ground in the same way that are out prospecting for coal, and miners up to the gold digging trenches in the ground Mtaatbain vertical orientation, race, and there are some gold ore is excavated on the surface of the earth. Breaks the rock put explosives inside and drills, and then taken into the rocks containing the gold mills. All excavations in the alluvial deposits in the base is only a screening process are heavily (gravity separation). In the olden days, the miners use the alluvial deposits of metal buckets Kalmqlap to separate the gold manually after washing. They were separated water and gravel from the pot in a circular motion, leaving the gold in the pot. But usually used excavators scoop for the collection of gravel in the rocker seating approximately 0.2 m from the article and § Igslonh, then swept up Ihezwnh and light materials to be left alone is gold. Giant hydraulic. It helps to pump the water and push firmly to the ruins of gravel containing gold Wegervh vessels to have grooves gold reserve. Crane (Dardj). Machine is drilling for gold-powered and consists of a number of buckets installed on the boat, and every bucket capacity of 0.2 m §. And lowered in buckets of water on the jib and spin in a circular motion (Calcakip) to lift the silt from the riverbed. Lift and carry equipment to separate the gold from other materials. Prevents many of the country both from exploration or mining hydraulic crane; because they are damaging land and rivers. The crane used in the past in New Zealand and California in the United States and used widely in the Soviet Union (former). Cranes clouds of sin, often called the linear tractors, and consists of buckets attached in the form of lines and pulls heavy drag along the bottom of the river for the collection of alluvial gold. Scoop mechanism. A machine that huge gathering of large quantities of soil, silt and gravel containing gold from river beds. Scoop It works with other devices to separate the gold from other materials, is done at the site of sediment. Milling process There are three methods used to separate gold from raw materials or sea water, namely: buoyancy, and cyanide, carbon and pulp. Buoyancy. Excreted in the flotation process (the process of flotation) fine particles of ore milled from each other, based on the ability of different metals in the raw associate themselves with oily foam. Mix oils and chemicals called buoyancy factors that mixes with water before the raw powder, and used three types of chemicals: the agent foam agent and collector and a variety of inorganic chemicals. Working cause foam in the water, puffing, and the Group of the Whole on the gold layer to make it stick to air bubbles that float on the surface, while the non-organic chemicals, other metals turn off the spigot of the composition of the class that was dressed with the gold. After the development of raw water, air enters into the solution, and this process is called ventilation, and thus bear the gold particles to the top of the class and Takect foam. Cyanide method. Contains a process to develop the raw powder in the tank contains a dilute solution of cyanide, and then separating the gold in solution or deposited metal zinc. The method was used for the first time in South Africa in the nineties of the nineteenth century, a very effective method extracted 90% of the gold with crude oil, and using this method can extract gold from piles of waste material extracted from gold mines. Pulp carbon. It's another way you need to use cyanide. And is the first rough mix the powder with water to get to the door, and then dissolved content of gold in cyanide solution. The carbon particles are added to his door to collect gold ions (electrically charged atoms) on the surface. And then continues to carbon particles from the pulp, the particles are then placed in a solution of cyanide alkaline (caustic) hot which in turn separates the gold from the carbon. Properties of gold .. Gold has a high value over the years, mainly due to the rarity. But gold owes much to its physical and aesthetic, and Ionth, and resistance to chemicals as well as for density. It is a beautiful yellow color, luster and breathtaking, and easily filled because of this Ionth. And is described by scholars as Lynn retractable; and that the possibility of withdrawal in the form of thin wire for easy styles, and conversion to thin plates. As can be customized to any body required. After its formation, it keeps Beraiqa, the ability to resist rust and other chemical changes caused by the air. It must be the gold is mixed Pflz another if we are making him a solid object like a piece of jewelry for example. This mixture is called a slug. The gold bullion is measured by carat, and carat is equal to one of the twenty-four parts. Thus, the 24-carat gold is pure gold. And 18 carat consists of 18 parts of gold and 6 parts of another metal. And pure gold melts at a temperature of 1,064,43 ° m. And boil at a temperature of 2,807 ° C, and belongs to the group (1) periodic table of elements. The atomic weight is 196,967, and atomic number is 79. And intensity equivalent to 19.32 gm / cm § at the temperature of 20 ° C. And can be dissolved in a mixture of acid, chlorine, nitric and aqua regia named. . And also can be dissolved in solvents or alkaline cyanide solution in the hot iron chloride triangular, or a solution Altheosalafit or mercury or chlorine newborn .. Gold is a metallic chemical symbol (Au), one of the elements known since antiquity. It was possession of gold, turquoise, yellow, bright and attractive sign of wealth for thousands of years. The ancient Egyptians knew how to knock on thin sheets of gold, to the point where we need them for nearly 367 000 a plate to obtain a thin sheets with a thickness of 2,5 cm. During the Middle Ages, grew up fully aware of the stand-alone so-called alchemy as a result of attempts to make gold in ways artificial. The Modern scientists have succeeded in achieving some of the old dreams of chemists. In today they could extract gold from sea water, and particle accelerators can install the gold from lead and mercury. They can also be made accelerators is a kind of stable gold made of platinum and iridium, both higher than the value of gold. However, most commercially produced gold still comes from the earth. And gold-mining industry on the task of carefully supervised by the governments of producing countries ..

gold futures

A new type of

Chinese goods, which invaded the Egyptian market in late last year, 2008 was brought to the attention of most of the ladies and especially popular areas, but there are many questions about this type of gold answered by the goldsmith, "Esmat Abdel-Aty," First, it commented on the term "Gold Chinese" and denied completely that kind of gold, whose real name is "Craft and Accessories Chinese" and not of the caliber of gold 12 or 14 and have him all kinds of models and shapes, whether rings or Guaic or chains and other parts of the components of a metal is valuable and Mtalah color "Gold" and inspired Modellatha models of real gold

Important Information for gold

Gold has four rounds of a caliber 18, 21, 22 and 24 .... In the other course, Old Gulf is this allowed 24-universally known that he went net The percentage of 18 carat gold is mixed with Old silver or copper or zinc ... Means the ratio of gold of 75% and the additional material is 25% And shells 21 and 22 who speak the same percentage over the Old lighter For the white gold is basically yellow gold plated textured Old name Bradiom disappears with time-and-white color is due to natural color, white gold, comes in two shots, most of Old 18 and sometimes 21 The best caliber is the 18 carat and 21 ... The reason is incurred for the strikes are still a problematic be attractive and beautiful. The 24-is scarcely to be artifacts and I will be in the form of templates of gold ... Hevcm what might they say who win awards kilograms of gold?? Gold has more than one brand or source of: - For example, the Singapore Indian Italian UAE Bahrain Kuwait Saudi and Korean ... And many others And the best, but over the Sami who is Italian Korean Saudi Kuwait And after Singapore Bahrain UAE Types of gold: - Gold plain: - What is the pillow Maalih cloves and Ashe. Typically have a 22-caliber and a rare live 21 Deluxe: - What it is light on the cloves. We have a live 18, 21 Super Deluxe: - What the whole cloves ((and most expensive price)). We have often live 18 Classification of gold: - Classified to two types: I Alnem ((and the presence of the usually live 18 to 21 species, which is the best because it kept pace with fashion)) II People ((and the presence of 22 often have a live and sometimes a live 21 Avatar few .. Of course, these are the most artifacts very unusual and in any attractive designs and more often Metrouk for the elderly)) Account: - Ashlon know that this seller who Maigshk before thee??? And how you as the gold price?? This is something I wish I know because I go as well as when one if you can see in the gold shops that the seller who Ibeshrk Maysepk soft out of the store??? Go with you in every direction .... I was informed by the shop and back again and go to his colleague and ask me the price much less than who said Hui??? Important method of calculating the gold: - Equation is: The gold price = gram gold rate + workmanship ((fill Sayegh)) × weight gold Shi first questions about the price of gold today?? Claimed the gold price gives you the net who is 24 carat And overfed, he said to you that the price of gold today is the SR 50 Who have purchased the kit and you were set S of 21-carat INDUSTRY Wages of Singaporean products is between 8 to SR 10 SR 21-carat price of course is different from the 24-and because we take the equation who take these set you differentiate between the bullets: 18 carat = 0.750 * Price who told you it ((for example, 50)) = 37.5 g SR 21 = 0875 mm * Price who told you it ((for example, 50)) = 43.75 SR per gram 22 = 0916 mm * Price who told you it ((for example, 50)) = 45.8 g SR 24 carat = 1 * Price who told you it (for example, 50) = 50 riyals to say that it is the price of 24 carat pure Diem who claimed to say to you. Because you know how the numbers who traveled over 0750, for example, all the figures who Kyi as well as above. Caliber required / 24 = claimed gives you a fixed number, for example: - Gauge 18 = 18/24 = 0.75 I wish you Vhmtwa Chlon method of calculation And started to give you an easier example: By the selection of Bayaa Ask about the price of gold today (How much is a gram) ask Him for gold 18 carat and 21 carat Spiritual advice for more than a place in them because Taatokdin excluded Alij For example, price of one gram 18 carat gold, 56 today If the ring or did you choose Alasirp: Ask Bayaa about weight and make sure that the violet was the weight of the ring 16 grams Following Ask about the workmanship and try Tasrinh Tnzlen and where and workmanship for example, 20 Calculation method The gold price = price of one gram gold + Workmanship ((fill-Sayegh)) × weight of gold = 56 + 20 × 16 = 1216

Gold extraction method

How to separate gold from ore Different ways

depending on the type of gold mining sediments. And not get gold instruments necessary two steps are: 1 - To have a crude 2 - separate the gold from the ore. In most mining operations in the alluvial deposits are two processes in the sediment sites. In the case of underground exploration drilling is raw, then transferred to separate the mills and the focus there. Are prospecting for sediment or mineral veins under the ground in the same way that are out prospecting for coal, and miners up to the gold digging trenches in the ground Mtaatbain vertical orientation, race, and there are some gold ore is excavated on the surface of the earth. Breaks the rock put explosives inside and drills, and then taken into the rocks containing the gold mills. All excavations in the alluvial deposits in the base is only a screening process are heavily (gravity separation). In the olden days, the miners use the alluvial deposits of metal buckets Kalmqlap to separate the gold manually after washing. They were separated water and gravel from the pot in a circular motion, leaving the gold in the pot. But usually used excavators scoop for the collection of gravel in the rocker seating approximately 0.2 m from the article and § Igslonh, then swept up Ihezwnh and light materials to be left alone is gold. Giant hydraulic. It helps to pump the water and push firmly to the ruins of gravel containing gold Wegervh vessels to have grooves gold reserve. Crane (Dardj). Machine is drilling for gold-powered and consists of a number of buckets installed on the boat, and every bucket capacity of 0.2 m §. And lowered in buckets of water on the jib and spin in a circular motion (Calcakip) to lift the silt from the riverbed. Lift and carry equipment to separate the gold from other materials. See: mining. Prevents many of the country both from exploration or mining hydraulic crane; because they are damaging land and rivers. The crane used in the past in New Zealand and California in the United States and used widely in the Soviet Union (former). Cranes clouds of sin, often called the linear tractors, and consists of buckets attached in the form of lines and pulls heavy drag along the bottom of the river for the collection of alluvial gold. Scoop mechanism. A machine that huge gathering of large quantities of soil, silt and gravel containing gold from river beds. Scoop It works with other devices to separate the gold from other materials, is done at the site of sediment. Milling process There are three methods used to separate gold from raw materials or sea water, namely: buoyancy, and cyanide, carbon and pulp. Buoyancy. Excreted in the flotation process (the process of flotation) fine particles of ore milled from each other, based on the ability of different metals in the raw associate themselves with oily foam. Mix oils and chemicals which are called factors buoyancy water before mixing raw powder, and used three types of chemicals: the agent foam agent and collector and a variety of inorganic chemicals. Working cause foam in the water, puffing, and the Group of the Whole on the gold layer to make it stick to air bubbles that float on the surface, while the non-organic chemicals, other metals turn off the spigot of the composition of the class that was dressed with the gold. After the development of raw water, air enters into the solution, and this process is called ventilation, and thus bear the gold particles to the top of the class and Takect foam. Cyanide method. Contains a process to develop the raw powder in the tank contains a dilute solution of cyanide, and then separating the gold in solution or deposited metal zinc. The method was used for the first time in South Africa in the nineties of the nineteenth century, a very effective method extracted 90% of the gold with crude oil, and using this method can extract gold from piles of waste material extracted from gold mines. Pulp carbon. It's another way you need to use cyanide. And is the first rough mix the powder with water to get to the door, and then dissolved content of gold in cyanide solution. The carbon particles are added to his door to collect gold ions (electrically charged atoms) on the surface. And then continues to carbon particles from the pulp, the particles are then placed in a solution of cyanide alkaline (caustic) hot which in turn separates the gold from the carbon. Uses of gold Currency. Nations uses a global currency gold. And accept all the countries gold to pay off international debt. At the beginning of the twentieth century, most countries base gold deal, which means that we can get a certain amount of gold compared to most paper currency from any bank or national treasury. We have abandoned the United Kingdom in 1914 for the gold which led to the devaluation of the pound. Then returned to be used again in 1925. However, the economic and banking problems that have increased degradation of complex global trade has made the United Kingdom give up the gold again before the general elections in 1931. The United States, have abandoned the gold standard in 1933. Since then it has become difficult to shift pounds, the United Kingdom or the United States dollar into gold. By the end of the thirties of the twentieth century, there was no single state to deal with this rule, but the gold has been used widely as a way to measure the value of the currency, and even the seventies of the twentieth century, but today, more than half the world's gold owned by governments and banks. Most of the gold reserves of the United States, the largest reserves in the world, be stored under the ground at Fort Knox, Kentucky. But now, rising and falling gold price based on supply and demand for the metal. The demand for gold mainly from companies that used in the jewelry industry. But in countries with weak currency, has come the demand for gold from speculators, who are making a lot of this kind of change in prices. Some States may have sometimes to use its reserves of gold to meet their obligations to the sellers when the currency is acceptable to them. When the ingot be cooled bars gold purity of 99.99%. For rod and one of these, need to be addressed thousand metric tons of crude. Gold foil. With gold making chips in the same way for hundreds of years, where cursing gold with copper or silver to make gold chips. The melted metal in the form of rod, and then passes between Vaftin to become a flat strip of no more than 0.04 m thick. Then cut the ribbon to display square pieces 2,5 cm pieces and placed between slices of paper, paperboard Alrhiv. Called the heap containing 210 of gold chips clip. And encapsulate this in any Brschman parchment (parchment-like Balrkoq) and placed on the marble pieces, and dealt a hammer weighing about 8 kilograms. This way the initial converts chips or panels to view the 9 cm boxes. And every one of them cut into four squares, and placed between the pieces are made of specially coated plastic. Traditionally, boards are placed between the sheets of the membrane called the skin of beaten gold is made from the intestines of the bull, then went on board after it with a hammer weighing 4.5 kilograms for a period of twenty minutes. Cut each slab into pieces again, and touched the pieces with a hammer weighing 3 kg. This transformation process after four hours to thin plates so that the light shine through, with a thickness of about 0.00013 mm. Then pick up with pliers, wood chips and placed on the cushions Leather and trimmed with a knife or blade is made from the plant, rattan square chips to offer 9 cm ². And 25 pieces of chips, is placed between the pages of paper, be a book.

History of Gold

How to spot the gold

 Including the gold metal is the first known human, and a person by the way there is in nature, and knew its value before the date listed in a time long! How discovered gold? The gold dealer in nature on a large scale in spite of its value and rarity, and the problem lies in the lack of availability in commercial quantities is always profitable. For example, containing sea water to a small amount of gold, but a very small amount that no one knows how to extract gold from the sea, and in spite of that, the amount of water in the oceans is so large may reach the amount of gold which about ten thousand million tonnes ! And there is gold in the two cases, is either pure or mixed with other metals in combination with other metal ores, and there is a natural gold (pure) or mildew in Arov quartz or quartz or in blocks of iron pyrites (iron Kbritor natural). And in some cases, he was iron pyrites or quartz to water or wind erosion, which led to the rocks surrounding the deposits of gold and to reveal Cdhirath or mass of almost pure. And drifting fragments or clusters gradually to valley bottoms, Vtkhalt sand and gravel, and then called gold in this case to "Almnbar" or "alluvial." Gold was discovered by the human for the first time, "Mnbara." The gold nuggets in the "Almnbarp" vary in size from powder to clean the large blocs has been found in Australia, such as the bloc "hello Dear Stranger" which has a weight of approximately seventy kilograms. Often Mayather gold ores in the other. The silver is almost always contain quantities of gold, and very often there is copper combined with gold. Today is obtained on gold mining in ways similar to the methods used to extract other metals, as they are digging a deep hole in the surface of the earth to mine gold, and this hole is called "tunnel." The depth of the tunnel miles or more, and is the uprooting of crude bombed, to be transported on carts to the tunnel where they will be lifted to the surface of the earth, and then crushed ore and grinding until it turns into grains of sand, and then separating the gold from other materials by chemical processing. The countries three main gold producer in the world are South Africa and Russia and the United States of America

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