
Gold extraction method

How to separate gold from ore Different ways

depending on the type of gold mining sediments. And not get gold instruments necessary two steps are: 1 - To have a crude 2 - separate the gold from the ore. In most mining operations in the alluvial deposits are two processes in the sediment sites. In the case of underground exploration drilling is raw, then transferred to separate the mills and the focus there. Are prospecting for sediment or mineral veins under the ground in the same way that are out prospecting for coal, and miners up to the gold digging trenches in the ground Mtaatbain vertical orientation, race, and there are some gold ore is excavated on the surface of the earth. Breaks the rock put explosives inside and drills, and then taken into the rocks containing the gold mills. All excavations in the alluvial deposits in the base is only a screening process are heavily (gravity separation). In the olden days, the miners use the alluvial deposits of metal buckets Kalmqlap to separate the gold manually after washing. They were separated water and gravel from the pot in a circular motion, leaving the gold in the pot. But usually used excavators scoop for the collection of gravel in the rocker seating approximately 0.2 m from the article and § Igslonh, then swept up Ihezwnh and light materials to be left alone is gold. Giant hydraulic. It helps to pump the water and push firmly to the ruins of gravel containing gold Wegervh vessels to have grooves gold reserve. Crane (Dardj). Machine is drilling for gold-powered and consists of a number of buckets installed on the boat, and every bucket capacity of 0.2 m §. And lowered in buckets of water on the jib and spin in a circular motion (Calcakip) to lift the silt from the riverbed. Lift and carry equipment to separate the gold from other materials. See: mining. Prevents many of the country both from exploration or mining hydraulic crane; because they are damaging land and rivers. The crane used in the past in New Zealand and California in the United States and used widely in the Soviet Union (former). Cranes clouds of sin, often called the linear tractors, and consists of buckets attached in the form of lines and pulls heavy drag along the bottom of the river for the collection of alluvial gold. Scoop mechanism. A machine that huge gathering of large quantities of soil, silt and gravel containing gold from river beds. Scoop It works with other devices to separate the gold from other materials, is done at the site of sediment. Milling process There are three methods used to separate gold from raw materials or sea water, namely: buoyancy, and cyanide, carbon and pulp. Buoyancy. Excreted in the flotation process (the process of flotation) fine particles of ore milled from each other, based on the ability of different metals in the raw associate themselves with oily foam. Mix oils and chemicals which are called factors buoyancy water before mixing raw powder, and used three types of chemicals: the agent foam agent and collector and a variety of inorganic chemicals. Working cause foam in the water, puffing, and the Group of the Whole on the gold layer to make it stick to air bubbles that float on the surface, while the non-organic chemicals, other metals turn off the spigot of the composition of the class that was dressed with the gold. After the development of raw water, air enters into the solution, and this process is called ventilation, and thus bear the gold particles to the top of the class and Takect foam. Cyanide method. Contains a process to develop the raw powder in the tank contains a dilute solution of cyanide, and then separating the gold in solution or deposited metal zinc. The method was used for the first time in South Africa in the nineties of the nineteenth century, a very effective method extracted 90% of the gold with crude oil, and using this method can extract gold from piles of waste material extracted from gold mines. Pulp carbon. It's another way you need to use cyanide. And is the first rough mix the powder with water to get to the door, and then dissolved content of gold in cyanide solution. The carbon particles are added to his door to collect gold ions (electrically charged atoms) on the surface. And then continues to carbon particles from the pulp, the particles are then placed in a solution of cyanide alkaline (caustic) hot which in turn separates the gold from the carbon. Uses of gold Currency. Nations uses a global currency gold. And accept all the countries gold to pay off international debt. At the beginning of the twentieth century, most countries base gold deal, which means that we can get a certain amount of gold compared to most paper currency from any bank or national treasury. We have abandoned the United Kingdom in 1914 for the gold which led to the devaluation of the pound. Then returned to be used again in 1925. However, the economic and banking problems that have increased degradation of complex global trade has made the United Kingdom give up the gold again before the general elections in 1931. The United States, have abandoned the gold standard in 1933. Since then it has become difficult to shift pounds, the United Kingdom or the United States dollar into gold. By the end of the thirties of the twentieth century, there was no single state to deal with this rule, but the gold has been used widely as a way to measure the value of the currency, and even the seventies of the twentieth century, but today, more than half the world's gold owned by governments and banks. Most of the gold reserves of the United States, the largest reserves in the world, be stored under the ground at Fort Knox, Kentucky. But now, rising and falling gold price based on supply and demand for the metal. The demand for gold mainly from companies that used in the jewelry industry. But in countries with weak currency, has come the demand for gold from speculators, who are making a lot of this kind of change in prices. Some States may have sometimes to use its reserves of gold to meet their obligations to the sellers when the currency is acceptable to them. When the ingot be cooled bars gold purity of 99.99%. For rod and one of these, need to be addressed thousand metric tons of crude. Gold foil. With gold making chips in the same way for hundreds of years, where cursing gold with copper or silver to make gold chips. The melted metal in the form of rod, and then passes between Vaftin to become a flat strip of no more than 0.04 m thick. Then cut the ribbon to display square pieces 2,5 cm pieces and placed between slices of paper, paperboard Alrhiv. Called the heap containing 210 of gold chips clip. And encapsulate this in any Brschman parchment (parchment-like Balrkoq) and placed on the marble pieces, and dealt a hammer weighing about 8 kilograms. This way the initial converts chips or panels to view the 9 cm boxes. And every one of them cut into four squares, and placed between the pieces are made of specially coated plastic. Traditionally, boards are placed between the sheets of the membrane called the skin of beaten gold is made from the intestines of the bull, then went on board after it with a hammer weighing 4.5 kilograms for a period of twenty minutes. Cut each slab into pieces again, and touched the pieces with a hammer weighing 3 kg. This transformation process after four hours to thin plates so that the light shine through, with a thickness of about 0.00013 mm. Then pick up with pliers, wood chips and placed on the cushions Leather and trimmed with a knife or blade is made from the plant, rattan square chips to offer 9 cm ². And 25 pieces of chips, is placed between the pages of paper, be a book.

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