
What is the secret that lies in the gold

? What is strange strange in his magic? What is the secret in Aktnazh by rich and poor, to the extent of each? Why is on men and women in order to get it and keep it? What is the secret of this article, which was able to make the human breath behind them down? It fell empires or kingdoms have expanded because of him? Buying gold and collect it and painting it and saved and Aktnazh and use of cash, defined rights since ancient times and grabbed people's ideas in various Alomenkp and times. I have discovered the human gold since ancient times and retrieved him so far over 100 thousand tons, not only wasted about 5% -7%, while taking the oil, for example, drained of some states, and this is the difference between the resources in terms of their depletion. Scarcity of gold and the many uses and being a semi-global currency is not controlled by the States in the form which is controlled by its currency paper is made of gold, which takes these prestigious. The history of the stability of the gold price within the specified systems stretching across 300 years in Britain and along the 800 years during the reign of the Byzantine Empire. This, in fact, evidence of validity of the theory amount of cash and currency and legitimacy. The gold standard prevailed in most parts of the world during the nineteenth century, and even the beginning of the First World War in 1914, and was serving the launch of the free transfer of currency into gold. System was characterized by gold standard, as it was applied until 1914, three essential qualities have made a distinct gold plays the role of the common currency between different countries. Monetary unit is determined by the weight of a certain gold, and individuals can get this free turn golden for the provision of paper currencies, gold instrument can also be exported and imported without objection. This lasted until canceled gold from circulation entirely internal in the thirties, and was abandoned place of paper money and traded either in the form of banknotes or convert non-cash from a bank account to another. However, the issue is not over the withdrawal of gold coins from circulation, paper money has separated the golden rule and lost practically link to gold. In early 1979, has attracted people's attention sharp rises in the prices of gold, with an ounce of it indigestion Booakhar 1978 $ 250. While it recorded a rise since 1971 to the end of 1978 from $ 35 an ounce to $ 250. As in 1979, has doubled the price just reached the end of the year was about $ 540 an ounce. These gains have made black people tend to buy gold, because it combines between freedom and order, hard cash and ribavirin are the poles of any financial system, just the liquid such as investment and fixed investment are the two poles ribavirin any system investment. Samir Abdo says in his book "A Study on the impact of gold on the world economy," The movement of supply and demand affect the price of gold in the world within the following frameworks: $ Determined by the price of gold at a cost of production usually. $ Macro-gold balance value that exceeds the economic value of the raw material constituents. $ Holds gold for speculative purposes. $ Gold sale is in accordance with the current price relationship with interest rate and price level. $ Weakness of the existing monetary system, has made gold the safest haven for investment. It is interesting to note the attention that the gold collector of contemporary multi-faceted; of the poor farmer who buys for his wife or his daughter, a gold ornament after a good harvest, to the Director of an international financial institution that converts a large part of the capital of the Corporation into gold when there is a possibility for that in certain circumstances. Therefore, it is not easy to find a clear and consistent relationship between supply and demand for gold, as that which raises the largest amount which is used industrially in the market. For this reason, the investment profitable gold metal does not have any meaning only if the industry developed a helper Edeida and pursuant to it. The many benefits of gold are countless. It is used Khalip and Accessories, and is used as a means future savings, as well as solid as a reserve for emergencies, and is used in industry and bullion Almassagat. The gold and invest in a key element in every time and place. Therefore, there were many uses of gold and a variety of shapes and styles, gold has been used as a standard hard cash and the content of many years ago in the form of ornaments and decorations for thousands of years. I love the people of gold, not only because it fills the hungry bellies chilling cold or warm, or push the wheels of industry, but loved him for several outstanding qualities have made throughout history people meant metal. It is an attractive color, glossy strong possibility, the easy way does not rust, nor eroded by exhaust the environment does not change the color or reduces weight. Is not different from two in the beauty of gold. It features a yellow color in different shades of adorable ever depends on the amount and nature of the material by Blended of copper or silver or other. Since time immemorial, people make the kinds of gold ornaments and jewelry different. For some of the gold artifacts, the value of the metal itself be something trivial in comparison with historical value and heritage and the arts. The latest statistics indicate that it is being converted more than half of world production of gold ornaments and jewelry, such as contracts, rings and gold chains. The same statistics show that the second Astkmam of gold in the world is known as foundries, which holds the gold melted and melted, with other material in some cases, then convert it to gold coins. I have used gold as money and a central authority and the rule of greed and greed since ancient times. It could be argued that it had acquired the characteristics of money since the 4-5 thousand years in the age of ancient civilizations more advanced. Have been over 2600 years since the first gold coins minted. Christopher Columbus - discoverer of America - that gold and I am charmed the coolest thing in the world and has the gold gets all the desires for this world. For these reasons, love people gold to almost being a slave and soon it became in the last two centuries the main material in handling the cash among the people, then take a rule based on the banknotes in circulation, a job he gained a certain length of time until canceled the gold standard in 1973 as a result of the Bretton Woods Agreement . The increasing industrial interest in gold in recent times after taking a roles and many forms of unique characteristics. It is currently used in dentistry, passing through the textile industry, and the end of space and computer technology. With the increasing demands for the use of gold as decoration and personal enrichment, indicated by research and experiments on the existence of other benefits to this article yellow, was quickly exploited in various industrial sectors. Gold has been used in the electrical industries, as well as in the field of electronic industries. So, gold will remain conservative on his property deals him as a reserve and an ideal form of absolute liquidity of capital, and its unique position enjoyed by the international monetary system. Although formally stripped of money for gold, most governments and central banks almost still sitting on funds, do not seem willing to give up its reserves for the stack. But that, as a result of the status of gold among other currencies, the number of those responsible for pension funds in the world are now looking to gold as a by accredited and comfortable to invest in their arsenal of money. We have reflected the control of gold on people, communities and countries in a large number of words and sentence in all times and in the heritage of nations and a large number of literary works. Curse of the people as much as LIVE The gold, but no one was indifferent towards him ever so full of museums, we see the effects of old Khaleda made of metal gold descended to us from ancient civilizations. In conclusion, I say "; The full coffers with gold is not the only proof of the progress of a nation. Without a strong economy and the existence of raw materials are plentiful and produce a great abundance in the minds and skilled manpower and scientific capacity, to become piles of gold is a blocks, metal, no life in it and have no meaning.

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