
The golden mask of Tutankhamun

It was the mask covering the mummy in its coffin sparganum. Scored by the first spell sesquicentennial B of the Book of the Dead confirmation of more protection for the king's body. The artist's representation of me the exact details so that the sincere spirit of the deceased king to find his body at other times and then had to be on a mission. The head was covered with headdress and decorated with symbols of the front property and protection of the vulture and cobra. Has been set up golden plates used here by heating and hammering. And obsidian, quartz, lapis lazuli, in the formation of the eyes and eyebrows are inlaid chest necklace of semi-precious stones and colored glass, which ends falcon heads. Dimensions Width 39.3 cm Height 54 cm

Gold Mask of King Psusennes first

The mask is made of two pieces of beaten gold, soldered and joined together by five screws from behind the phenomenon. The king wears the royal headdress, known as the mongoose, which was usually made of linen, surmounted by the sacred cobra to protect the king from his opponents and enemies in his life and after his death. The king wears a false beard plaited as a symbol of dignity. He also wears a broad Usekh collar engraved with floral decorations. The use of glass paste inlays of the eyelids and eyebrows, and Rabat, which proves the beard. The eyes are black and white stone. Dimensions Width 38 cm Height 45 cm

Gold Miniature of Tutankhamun

A small model of the ark of the local gold, agate, glass paste, where the King kept in the bowels of the four coffins and damage to the ligaments. It assigns each coffin to protect one of four sons of Horus, with one of the goddesses garrisons, has devoted this form for each of Habi and Nephthys. Dimensions Height 39 cm

golden bow

 Tease a senior Technique: The era of
the third transition Style: Gold Material: Type Billy Type: Map Egyptian Museum Location: Tel unrolled configuration: Time Line Move the third era of training: 1908 acquisition: Topics Arts and Crafts Topics: Crafts Jewellery Sites and museums Egyptian Museum Links Click To Zoom Gorgeous golden vase; was part of a votive offering dedicated to the cat goddess "Bastet" in the temple at Tell Basta. The body of the vase decorated with small grains of beads engraved with a pomegranate. The pomegranate fruit between introduced into Egypt from the east at the beginning of the era of the modern state. The neck of the jar with four records from floral; including a frieze of leaves in the form of spears, and a series of lotus flowers, and bunches of grapes with small flowers, a description of the modified small flower, and a garland of flowers. And consists of moving the handle of the loop pass through the rod is installed in the edge of the vase. The handle is decorated with relief in the form of lying down in a hurry. Dimensions Diameter 8.3 cm Height 11.2 cm

Vase of Ahmose I

The vessel consists of Ahmose I of the five pieces, and is the edge of the gutter and the neck and body and base; has been soldered together carefully. In spite of that vessel bears the name of King Ahmose, the first rulers of the Eighteenth Dynasty, probably was originally part of the funerary furniture or furniture funeral of his mother Queen Ahhotep; at Thebes. I have found at the residence of two families-first and twenty-second and twenty-delta, in Tanis; among the belongings of King Psusennes first. The text refers to the doctrine of the gift of Osiris at Abydos: "Good Lord, Neb - accommodation of - Ra, honest voice; acquitted, beloved of Osiris, Lord of Abydos." Dimensions Diameter 5 cm Height 14.6 cm

Bracelet of King Psusennes I

Found on the arm Psusennes first, this was the bracelet of the finest heavy bracelets, and it singled out for its form and design. It is inscribed from home and abroad on behalf of the king and his epithets, being the text engraved on the bracelet from the outside and is inlaid with semiprecious stones, shows the Udjat eye, a symbol of protection, covered with carnelian red, and decorated with the crowned cobra. The baboon of Thoth, the god of the moon, is seen praying behind the eye. The text reads as follows: "The King of Upper and Lower Egypt, the master of the Two Lands, Lord of Strength, Psusennes Beloved of Amun, to give life." The text engraved in the soles of the bracelet, it reads: "Living as Lord and King of all pleasure, the Lord of happiness." Dimensions Width 3.8 cm

Piece of jewelry of gold, surrounded by wire

 Is the name of King Tutankhamun, "Neb - kheprew - R
Was found on the segment between other pieces of jewelry in a box, in a room treasures; a name given by Howard Carter, because she was a treasure trove of the most valuable of the pieces that were found in other rooms in the tomb. The key element in the segment is the scarab "Khepri" which is made of a beautiful piece of lapis lazuli, and identified the details of the fonts to the form of gold scarab. There are under the sign of the scarab, "Neb" in the form of a basket; inscribed squares inlaid with lapis lazuli and turquoise and garnets. Proved between the two front sun disk "Ra"; It is made of agate in the framework of gold. There is, place-wing, which usually surround the scarab, a pair of cobra ownership "uraeus," and, above all, "Pray" sun disk of the garnet settles then click the "launch", the symbol of cosmic power. And making Alsalin head of lapis lazuli, carved with relief. And determinants of significant impact on the parts, which are inlaid with carnelian, lapis lazuli and glass colors red, blue and greenish-blue net.

Shawabti of King Tutankhamun.

These statues are made for the completion of tasks on
behalf of the deceased in the afterlife. And were usually of tiles or wood or pottery. Are divided according to their duties and expense of the Egyptian calendar as follows: three hundred and sixty-five factor the number of days a year old Egyptian, is designed to operate each and every one of them for one day a year, and thirty-six head works for both of them for President ten days, or a dozen statues, however, was increased in the tomb of Tutankhamun twelve foreman for each additional one month, a total of four hundred and thirteen, and those were small statues of various materials and sizes. This statuette of gilded wood, but a swaggering boy king in the crown of Brc private ceremonies and processions, and decorated with royal cobra, and possess a broad collar made of sheet gold, and holding Soljani Osiris.

Bracelet of Queen Ahhotep

This bracelet is very one-two with other pieces of jewelry  in the coffin of Queen Ahhotep. It was given the gift of her son, King Ahmose I, whose name was mentioned on the golden clasp. Has made his name in gold on a blue background. The bracelet is composed of thirty rows of gold beads, and semiprecious stones, alternating with each other in a system intended to form triangles and squares. The clasp is of gold plates that slide within each other, to close the bracelet. Dimensions Diameter 4.7 cm Height 4.3 cm

Pictures of gold ornamentsbeautiful hands of a man made gold Pharaonic

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