
Vase of Ahmose I

The vessel consists of Ahmose I of the five pieces, and is the edge of the gutter and the neck and body and base; has been soldered together carefully. In spite of that vessel bears the name of King Ahmose, the first rulers of the Eighteenth Dynasty, probably was originally part of the funerary furniture or furniture funeral of his mother Queen Ahhotep; at Thebes. I have found at the residence of two families-first and twenty-second and twenty-delta, in Tanis; among the belongings of King Psusennes first. The text refers to the doctrine of the gift of Osiris at Abydos: "Good Lord, Neb - accommodation of - Ra, honest voice; acquitted, beloved of Osiris, Lord of Abydos." Dimensions Diameter 5 cm Height 14.6 cm

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