
Bracelet of King Psusennes I

Found on the arm Psusennes first, this was the bracelet of the finest heavy bracelets, and it singled out for its form and design. It is inscribed from home and abroad on behalf of the king and his epithets, being the text engraved on the bracelet from the outside and is inlaid with semiprecious stones, shows the Udjat eye, a symbol of protection, covered with carnelian red, and decorated with the crowned cobra. The baboon of Thoth, the god of the moon, is seen praying behind the eye. The text reads as follows: "The King of Upper and Lower Egypt, the master of the Two Lands, Lord of Strength, Psusennes Beloved of Amun, to give life." The text engraved in the soles of the bracelet, it reads: "Living as Lord and King of all pleasure, the Lord of happiness." Dimensions Width 3.8 cm

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