
Whispers in the secrets of Forex

 All you need to be on the road to forex success must first have the basics of working with you wonder what simple things in our world today Stay with me and Htouselk information We must be with you following Your computer and good communication Balent must of course be that you have a full background on the principles of Forex and ways to deal And we have to be the brighter of course the capital of an appropriate We got what I said Ibaka complete You will not need in your project to staff or ads for your project. That's all you need in your trading in the foreign exchange market Forex Trading Who trained on the trade exchange correctly it can bring profits and significant gains possible in a month or in a week or even daily Complete the secrets of the profession to be the owner of a real project We begin with God's blessing I sit at the computer or sit in your chair and take a mobile laptop or desktop PC, yours Open your computer and make sure you are connected to the Internet is very good. Open berth foreign exchange and plans to broker Latest news in the trades and then watched the movement of currencies in the immediate Dealer and earn money from forex Speak in important Must to be a forex trader that has all the methods of transactions and trading in Forex before any deal As dealing in forex is not easy as Asrdna initially in terms of what we said in the beginning always hear in all sites and forums where such work sites and forums to facilitate everything for you on the Forex must know that the exchange is the largest market on the planet That is why the Forex is not that easy, that currency trading can be very dangerous, but may have Tvkdk all or some of your capital in case you do not know what to do exactly the other must be to study and understand what they do and not a stroke of luck or a game amateur or gambling ... The reason is simple: you Sttajer movements through changes in the economy of the States, we hope that they may have understood what we mean, and I wish you luck and always forward, God willing

Types of exchanges in the world

 Let's five types and the order as follows An exchange of present goods such as cotton, wheat, copper and iron Exchange 2 Forex is the exchange of foreign currency outside the stock markets Three decades Stock Exchange transactions for non-present 4 Stock Exchange securities such as stocks, bonds and shares of Foundation. 5 Stock Exchange mental metals such as gold, silver, diamonds and platinum In terms of currency trading in the stock market is divided into two parts First Section - Working hours are limited And that the shape as follows A - control operations on a temporary trading 2 - includes trading through brokerage firms registered delegates of the Organization of the market. 3 - The imposition of sanctions on violations and violators of the write-off of operations to close the brokerage firms. 2 - Twenty-four hours without a break And the work system which follows 1 - control of semi-government bodies or government dramatically. 2 - trading done by the same client through the electronic trading platform 3 - the imposition of financial sanctions in case of violation of the financial intermediary source trading platform.
Types of exchanges in the world Let's five types and the order as follows An exchange of present goods such as cotton, wheat, copper and iron Exchange 2 Forex is the exchange of foreign currency outside the stock markets Three decades Stock Exchange transactions for non-present 4 Stock Exchange securities such as stocks, bonds and shares of Foundation. 5 Stock Exchange mental metals such as gold, silver, diamonds and platinum In terms of currency trading in the stock market is divided into two parts First Section - Working hours are limited And that the shape as follows A - control operations on a temporary trading 2 - includes trading through brokerage firms registered delegates of the Organization of the market. 3 - The imposition of sanctions on violations and violators of the write-off of operations to close the brokerage firms. 2 - Twenty-four hours without a break And the work system which follows 1 - control of semi-government bodies or government dramatically. 2 - trading done by the same client through the electronic trading platform 3 - the imposition of financial sanctions in case of violation of the financial intermediary source trading platform.

The most important types of international capital markets

 Real-time market The process of payment and receipt immediately, as a buyer is the owner of a financial instrument purchased directly. Future market The process of payment and receipt after a period of time to be determined and agreed upon between the seller and the buyer. Market option rights The buyer the right to perform the operation or failure to perform after the agreed period for the implementation of the process. CFD CFD: Come and consists of agreements to buy or sell. Given traders ability to trade in various areas of finance such as stocks, currencies, stock indices, energy, and other areas of the global financial and benefit from the volatility of price movements to these areas without the need for you be the owner of For based contracts for differences on the margin is called Balmarzin directly. The trading operations contracts for differences (CFD) of the more strategies used in the global capital markets, where it is characterized by increased quantities sold and purchased many times as much capital available, leading to full opportunity for investors to double their profits business by investigating the investment outlook of each tool financial. The introduction of margin cash "margin": The work-based margin of strategies and widespread in the world of money and Alastosmarahit that works to increase the purchasing power of the investor and reduces the financial burden required to enter into trading operations in the global market. The system margin (margin) depends directly on the leverage of the investor's account, and in the following example will clarify the general idea of the margin system, God willing For example, if one of the investors to open an account margin value of $ 1,000 and the leverage of this account is 1:100, it means that the purchasing power of the investor will double to reach $ 100,000 bears, only the $ 1,000 in the account and will not bear any additional financial burden . Trading in the market the third The technology revolution in the boundless field of communications and computer networks has made the world more closely, Where he was Financial's share of this technological revolution, in terms of flexibility and speed Today, can any investor in any Mkanvi this world that carries out the sale and purchase of any investment vehicle is selected, through a normal telephone or mobile telephone or via the World Wide Web (Internet), only has to contact one of financial intermediaries to implement orders of the investor directly , without having to go personally to the global stock markets is well known. The third market is the most popular and common investment in the world. The process of sale and purchase contracts (C P D) is between the broker and the investor are directly without having to go through the complexities and transactions associated with such operations The largest global computer networks for trading on the market, the third since 1998, is a network of NASDAQ, there are plenty of companies still prefer to be traded in the market the third because of its freedom of movement in the trading floppy

The most important elements in the foreign

 stock exchanges Central banks : Central banks, which are the work of the transactions of the orders of their governments, a move most Alohyanl Twthervi course of the direction taken by their own currencies, through the interest that is consistent with financial policies, and thereby protect its economic interests. 1 - international banks: Let the banks largest and most important players in the arena of global currency trading. They do thousands of transactions daily throughout the time, they exchange among themselves, or with a broker and private investors, through their Permanent Representatives in this area. It is no secret to you that the biggest impact in moving the market and identify and exclusively in the hands of top global banks, as their transactions daily billions of dollars. Independent Persons: They are ordinary people who make a huge daily turnover of currency to finance their trips enjoyable, or to secure access to their salary, or retirement, etc.. Forex Trading clients: The basis of their E falls in the permanent link between buyers and sellers. Where they are moving as intermediaries between the various banks, between banks and ordinary investors. For their work and see them blow for this commission or the so-called Brockerj Investment funds: Come on in and mostly due to institutional investors or pension funds or insurance companies, interfere in the market, according to the dictates of their interests. An example of this fund, "Tom Kwan," a fund, which is owned by renowned investor George Soros, and still is one of the largest investors who are able to extend influence in the course of the market

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