
The most important elements in the foreign

 stock exchanges Central banks : Central banks, which are the work of the transactions of the orders of their governments, a move most Alohyanl Twthervi course of the direction taken by their own currencies, through the interest that is consistent with financial policies, and thereby protect its economic interests. 1 - international banks: Let the banks largest and most important players in the arena of global currency trading. They do thousands of transactions daily throughout the time, they exchange among themselves, or with a broker and private investors, through their Permanent Representatives in this area. It is no secret to you that the biggest impact in moving the market and identify and exclusively in the hands of top global banks, as their transactions daily billions of dollars. Independent Persons: They are ordinary people who make a huge daily turnover of currency to finance their trips enjoyable, or to secure access to their salary, or retirement, etc.. Forex Trading clients: The basis of their E falls in the permanent link between buyers and sellers. Where they are moving as intermediaries between the various banks, between banks and ordinary investors. For their work and see them blow for this commission or the so-called Brockerj Investment funds: Come on in and mostly due to institutional investors or pension funds or insurance companies, interfere in the market, according to the dictates of their interests. An example of this fund, "Tom Kwan," a fund, which is owned by renowned investor George Soros, and still is one of the largest investors who are able to extend influence in the course of the market

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