
Waves topped by waves

These facts were discovered after the establishment of hundreds of marine stations .. And satellite imaging industry .. Who said this was Professor Schroeder, .. One of the greatest oceanographers in West Germany .. He used to say: If the progress of science would have to retreat of religion .. But when he heard the meanings of the verses of the Koran was stunned and said: "This can not be the words of human beings .. The Professor Dorjaro professor of geology of the sea to give us up-to-flag in the verse: (or Kzlmat in a vast deep sea fraught with waves topped by waves, topped by clouds darkness of each other if they are removed his hand was barely see, and God did not make him a light for him there is light ) Al-Nur: 40 .. He says he has rights in the past can not dive without the use of machinery more than twenty meters .. And now we can dive in the deep sea, using modern equipment, we find intense darkness at a depth of two hundred meters .. Verse says: (a vast deep sea), as .. Discoveries in the depths of the sea has given us a picture of the meaning of the verse: (darkness of each other) is well known that the seven colors of the spectrum ... including red, yellow, blue, green, orange, etc. .. If a branch in the depths of the sea, these colors disappear one after the other .. And the disappearance of each color gives the darkness .. Red disappears first, then orange, then yellow .. And another color to disappear is blue, at a depth of two hundred meters .. Each color disappears gives part of the darkness until it reaches total darkness .. The verse: (waves topped by waves) has been scientifically proven that there is a line between the deep part of the sea and the upper part .. And that this interval there are waves waves on the edge of the deep dark of the sea and we do not see and there are waves on the surface of the sea and we see this .. If there are waves topped by waves .. This is a confirmed scientific fact, therefore, "said Professor Dorjaro for these verses: This can not be a note of the human Source "material evidence on the existence of God," the Grand Sheikh Mohammed Sharawi

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