
creation of the heavens

Today we speak about the scientific miracle in the Koran and will explain many facts, which talked about the evidence since the Quran more than 1400 years has proved to today's modern science After many experiences in our Quran Karim Helms start, for God's blessing on these realities and Nsrdha in detail, God willing 1 - creation of the heavens Our Lord says: (which is created for you on earth, then turned to the heaven and fashioned seven heavens, a knowledge of all things) The Cow: 29 and another verse says: (and then turned to the heaven when it was smoke), while the land was developed has evolved (and then turned to the the sky is smoke) that there is any stage of the smoke, the sky was this word of God and this is what science says it finally! They say: You want evidence? Just go to any of the observatories observatory and see with your own eyes to the sky you will find smoke in the sky .. Smoke residue makes up stars and planets to this day!! If I say to a Bedouin, or cultured: Do you smoke caused by fire or fire produces smoke? Would say: as a result of fire smoke. I said: Are the stars and planets would have thought it was a person smoke?! The fire was the smoke? Not notified to the minds of one but this is determined by the Koran (and then turned to the heaven when it was smoke, and said it and the earth: Come both, willingly or loth) separated: 11 when the earth started to contain - and this is also of the same book - studying the Earth say: formed the mountains by getting out of the ground in the form of volcanoes .. Look at the Mt. And are mountain .. And so on .. Mountains threw out of the ground (and if the ground ICE * and delivered what is in it and gave up) split: 3-4 dropped what where this will end up being in Alibdabp means that the mountains were mentioned in the verse: (And the mountains laid down) Conflict: 32 composed by throw threw the mountains and then what? Then the water came out of the ground all the seas and rivers were all in the ground and went out of the ground to the top. As well as plants, carbon dioxide air that makes up objects plants along with soil were all in the ground and then went out the original came out also from the ground Hear the words of the Lord Almighty: (and the earth, then Dhaha) to talk about the beginning of creation (ye more difficult to create or Heaven was built lift thickness Fssoaha * * Oguetc and its night and go out overnight and the earth, * then * Dhaha out from it its water and pasture and the mountains laid down by *) Conflict: 31-33 Did not say finally Tomb God first words that will meet with His saying: (He draweth pasture and mountains * * established by the provision for you and your cattle) Conflict: 31-33 Do you know what, but after this verse? (If you were a great disaster * Day when man what he * And Hell for those who see) Conflict: 34-36 Look at this verse we have 1400 years ago and now they say: "We saw this and God and we have studied the ground and studied history and found this has created so just as the first part talks about the beginning of creation, the second speaks of the end of the creatures, as we have seen the first part we will see the second part really really (if you were a great disaster on human remembers what he does) .. Rights you and I .. At this time we will remember .. Day remembers the man that sought Hell for anyone who finds either of the offset - limit is exceeded - and preferred the life of the world, the hell is the shelter of any and Lord for the right because it is all from Him (of the feared standing before his Lord and forbade restraint of passion * the Paradise is a shelter) Conflict choose for yourself what you want .. This word of the Lord of the Worlds have studied the ground, and this land studied interior, what they found? Found in the case of inflammation of the interior, then get out of it so thermal currents in the whirlpool and the other represents the cycle of currents and other currents such as a spiral, while Brad tea boil the water and climb down and the cycle of works .. Thus the ground boil from here .. Oven is too large .. This protects the underground oven .. Ground in the case of swirling animated .. Imagine if they cut off half the earth and said: This article and the land beneath the earth's crust which we are by that of the top of this earth's crust, beneath which this article .. Hence, here an article in the very heat that is where swirls and this means .. Article molten liquid .. This is a solid .. I think this is also the heart of the crust and this article, which occur where the vortices and the crust upon which we look at this and found it here seven pieces underneath a solid and somewhat above this cut to pieces .. Here begins the piece, and here begins the piece .. Earth .. Malone's this? .. Bedding, which we are .. Why make it a bed? What is the benefit bed? Prophylactics of its harm is beneath us .. Is not it? .. The fire beneath us here .. Pot .. .. And throw a huge rock from the bottom of the earth .. And above the hot crust if we die by what remains something .. Vfrchha God mat thickness 70 kilometers .. This crust you find you are 70 kilometers thick .. Prophylactics for this Brushes beneath us as a one-piece (O people, worship your Lord who created you and those before you, that ye may fear * Who made the earth a bed) Cow: 21-22 furnished beneath us so as not to Ndhar that existed in the ground .. Scientists did not know these facts only in the last ten years

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