
Causes cracking of the feet and treatment in a very easy

 The most important reasons for cracking of the feet 1 Type of flooring 2 Walking barefoot 3 neglecting the care of the feet 4 exposure to air and dust 5 I think the type of food, genetics 6 a person's life style and daily program 7 type of daily work 8 average person walking 

or sleep 9 weight has a role 10 Video Clip you spend in wearing boots and drink (£ es, Portugal) The solution .... To suffer from cracking the treatment, God willing. The beauty of the way these are the result of starch content of God Softness. Leanest. Skin uniform. Confidence We need: The preferred plastic container box, with a diameter (50 cm), and height (40 cm) Moo condition is important to enter the men at ease. Lukewarm water is very up (text) a container means filling the two men, The amount of approximately 4 liters Two tablespoon coarse salt Miliana text necessary coarse Spreading feet. Best Chez soft iron. That there is no use anything Drop of soap Sail any kind. Ferry, for example the right to barge + Water Pillow Towel + Cream Body Creme (Glycerin * Dove * Nivea ... or anything unusual) Old bitch about Vaseline because it is what Etcherbh skin. Put lukewarm water, salt, soap, salt dissolves Baluaa Allen Then the immersion Rgelenk quarter of an hour or depending on the severity of Cracking and best left until the water cools Start your cracks and then rub the foot Bembcrp But by the light because the skin is then Maib. And will continue scrubbing until the skin who melted down And improve you Tkhalsti of appendages Rgelenk down and the skin around the nail Then slowly catarrhal Rgelenk net lukewarm water to get rid of soap, salt, Dive alone is enough then Ahtihn the towel and gently therein Nschwihn and the light and after drying along put cream Who have an odd wear what he needs a drink, repeat the process Every four days and claimed the need only two 

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