
Learn about economic indicators

 The definition of economic indicators Macro level are the statistics that reflect the current state of the nation's economy is dependent on a particular area of the economy, whether in the industry, the labor market, trade, etc.. These indicators are published in general at the time specified by the government agencies and the private sector IMPORTANT NOTICE When you use these indicators are sound, it is possible to be an indispensable source for each trader in the currency market We must declare the fact that indicators As the economic indicators to help traders to monitor the public pulse of the global economy; and therefore, it is a bit strange that these indicators are monitored by the majority of traders in financial markets. After the dissemination of these indicators, we always observe the movements in the market. Degree and strength of market fluctuations, are depending on the importance of the indicator. Therefore, it is very important to know what is the most important indicators and what are those indicators. Facilitator to explain the most important economic indicators GDP The gross domestic product of more indicators that measure the country's economy, so that this index is the total market value of all goods and services produced during a given year. And the focus of most traders are always two who have been reissued by the GDP report the final months, namely the report after the end of the second quarter of the year and the initial report, due to the delay in the issuance of the final report. If there are significant differences between the two reports, it is possible that this will lead to enormous fluctuations in the market. II The consumer price index is the index changes in the level of retail prices for basic consumer basket. So this is the index of the most important indicators that affect inflation in the country. Directly linked to inflation the purchasing power of the work within the State and this affects the position in international markets. If the economy is growing natural conditions, rising consumer price index could lead to an increase in key interest rates. This in turn leads to increase in the attractiveness of currency. Third, indicators of the employment sector And employment indicators reflect the economic health of the state in general or the safety of Department of Business. It is very important to know how many new jobs created or lost, the percentage of workers and the unemployed and the number of complaints against unemployment. Possible to understand and grasp the economic activity through this data. As for the calculation of the rate of inflation, it is important to know the speed of changes and growth in wages for workers. IV Retail Sales Notes that the index on a monthly basis, is the importance of this indicator, especially for currency traders in foreign currency because it refers to the strength of consumer spending and the strength of the economy. This indicator is particularly useful because it is always issued and refers to various kinds of consumption that are modified in seasonal indicators. The importance of this indicator also use it to assess other indicators through which we can evaluate the direction of the spot market. Balance of expenditures, V. Represents the balance of expenditures, the ratio between the amounts which were paid out and the amounts received from abroad. In other words, this indicator shows the total foreign trade operations, the trade balance, the balance between export and import costs. If the sums involved from other countries and international organizations is higher than the amounts out, then the balance of expenditures, is positive. Surplus is a positive factor for the growth of the national currency. VI monetary and fiscal policies of governments Considered one of the goals pursued by governments to achieve economic stability is such as reducing unemployment, controlling inflation and achieving a balance in expenditures,. Governments are so through the manipulation of monetary and fiscal policies. Concerning fiscal policy and tax expenditures, while monetary policy on financial markets and the provision of credit, money and securities other For stores knowledge of economic indicators which are a pillar in the style of trading

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