
HGD - Plus B 100

  Device Specifications 1 - a specialized organ detects minerals under the ground-based magnetic induction 2 - the ability to distinguish between molecules and metal types 3 - the application of property search system in the water in the valleys, rivers and swamps 4 - up to a depth of 8 m 5 - Kadri focus and high in performance and give the results 6 - system design based on inductive pulse 7 - is not affected stations, telecommunications, and power lines, high-pressure high 8 - No impact of the diversity of soil salinity and natural minerals, etc.. 9 - is subject to the application of research in soils with high humidity, even in places covered with snow 10 - the ability to estimate depth 11 - works on rechargeable batteries able to work for 17 continuous hours Parts and components 1 - the main organ 2 - filter unit and filtering 3 - Stick pregnancy 4 - ground-scanning unit (CD-search) 5 - The research unit floor speakers to great depths 6 - Shipping Supply 7 - bag storage device 8 - catalog Arab, English, Turkish and Persian 9 - to ensure that international for three years 10 - to ensure manufacturers for a period of three years Made in America

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